Chapter 26

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~4 Months Later~

Mariah P.O.V

I've been pretty busy lately between working both jobs, taking care of Quinn, and helping Ab. It doesn't bother me because it's not like I have anything better to do. My life hasn't been as exciting as it use to be back in high school.

I would have started my college semester this year now that Quinn is older but now Amari is locked and I'm pregnant... again. I never imagined my life being like this. I always imagined myself being a lawyer or doctor married to another lawyer or doctor with the perfect life. I love Amari to death and I wouldn't trade him over nothing but sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I wouldn't have become so close to him.

"Mama." Quinn babbled loudly. "Hey baby." I cooed making him giggle. He so cute! "You wanna come with mommy?" I asked getting him out of his car seat. "Mommy!" He said smiling wrapping his little arms around my neck.

"Mariah Lopez here for-"

"Ohh Mariah, so nice to see you again. How are you feeling?" Dr. Romiti smiled coming out from the back. "Nice to see you too, I'm feeling well. Just nervous about the baby." I laughed a little rubbing my baby bump. "Well the sooner we find out, the better." He smiled walking toward the hall leading us to my usual room.

I sat Quinn in the chair right next to the table and he sat there quietly watching. He should be used to this by now anyway, he comes with me to every appointment. "Alright Ms. Lopez, shirt up." He directed pulling on his gloves as they each made the annoying snapping sound I hate so much. I pulled my shirt up and both me and Quinn watched as he put the cold blue gel on my stomach. He rubbed around my belly while carefully watching the screen. "Alright your baby is pop perfectly healthy and doing just fine." He said with a warm smile wiping the blue gel off. I simply smiled and pulled my shirt down. "Well congratulations on your baby boy." He smiled again.

"Thank you." I said picking up Quinn. "No problem, if you have any questions just give us a call." With that being said I nodded my head and made my way to the front desk to pick up the pictures of the baby. I'm so glad my appointment to visit Mari landed on tomorrows date, so I can tell him the appointment went well. He's gonna be so happy, I can already tell.

"Ice cream!" Quinn yelled out of nowhere. "You want ice cream?" I asked putting him in the car. "Ice cream!" He yelled again. For someone who just turned 1, 2 months ago he sure is good at talking. He's so smart, I swear he understands everything! I remember when I cried one day and he tried to give me a hug. "Ice Cream!!" He said dancing in his car seat as we pulled up to Scoops.

I took him out of his car seat and walked him to the counter. "You want chocolate and vanilla?" I asked as he looked at all the colorful pictures completely ignoring me. "Small chocolate and vanilla ice cream in a bowl please." I said nicely to the lady waiting patiently.

"Coming right up." She smiled and walked away from the window.

"Here you go." She said handing me and bag in exchange for the money. "Thank you come again." Without another Word I put Quinn back in the car and we were on our way to Ab's house. He's been holding up pretty good since the whole Sa'Dia thing. She still hasn't woken up these last few months but he takes really good care of Karina. He spoils her rotten and doesn't go anywhere without her unless it's the trap. He rarely even goes anymore, he does all his business over the phone. Using code of course, just in case the phone is tapped.


"Ab!" I yelled walking through the front door. "In here!" He yelled back with his deep ass voice. I walked back into the living room and sat next to him on the couch with Quinn on my left. "Give her here." I cooed picking Karina up off of his lap. "Aww your so pretty." I cooed to her giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Can I have my daughter back?" He laughed a little. "Damn I only had her for 5 seconds, your bored ass." I laughed rolling my eyes.

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