Chapter 24

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Ab P.O.V

Wow. What am I supposed to do now? I'm all by myself with responsibility of someone's life...someone I fell in love with. Both of their lives are in my hands actually.

I know she's a soldier, she'll make it. I just want to know what went wrong and how this happened. I'm so confused right now and I just don't know how to feel.

The doctors can't determine how long she's gonna be in a coma. Shit, they don't even know if she's ever gonna wake up. I should stop thinking negatively though, I know my baby strong.

I'm just scared if she doesn't wake up I'm going to have to raise our child alone.

The doctors said the reason for her bleeding was because she was going into labor but how? Her stomach was flat and she was perfectly fine.

They had to perform an emergency C-section on Dia and the doctor let me hold her hand while they did it. Not that she understood what was going on, they gave her some medication and her eyes were barely open.

It's weird knowing that she didnt know she was pregnant, and doesn't know she's a mother. I just sat there with my child in my arms. She looked just like us.

I cried and cried just looking back and forth between the two of them. Sa'Dia just laid there without a sound or a single movement with IV's and breathing tubes up her nose.

I smiled every once in a while looking at my daughter. She was so cute and tiny and reminded me of Sa'Dia so much. "Now I know we just met a few minutes ago but I love you so much you don't even understand. You caught me by surprise ya know? I wish your mom could hold you, she doesn't even know your here." I cooed wiping the tear away that escaped from my eye.

Damn man. It's like my whole life is replaying in my head. Trey and Mari weren't playing when they said they changed once the twins and Quinn were born.

I sat there thinking for a while until I forgot everyone was in the lobby worried still. I can't wait to see the look on their faces but none of their faces will compare to mine when they doctor told me she was having a baby.

I walked out to the waiting room to find everyone knocked out in their chairs. To my surprise I found Money with Dana and Emoni and D asleep too. I know they wanna go the hell home cause shit I do too but I'm not leaving my wifey!

"Yo." I whispered tapping the brim of Money's hat and I reached over and slapped Trey in the face lightly.

"Where's Dia?! What's going on?!" Money asked with worry written all over him.

"Who's baby?" Trey asked gesturing for me to hand her over.

"Dia's in a coma they don't know when she'll wake up or if she'll even wake up at all." I had a hard time getting those words to escape my mouth but I forced myself to say it. I sighed and continued to finish what I had to say.

"The whole time she was pregnant and didn't even know. She was bleeding because she was in labor and they had to preform an emergency C-section."

"Oh my god." Mariah said barely over a whisper. I hadn't even noticed she was awake.

"So your a father now?" Trey said with a smile.

"Yea... I guess so." I nodded still shocked by the 'father' word.

"Wow. I just can't believe your uptight ass has a baby. What's her name?" Money laughed a little.

"I know, me neither and I don't know, Sa'Dia likes the name Karina. I remember this one night we were just laying down, talking. She was smiling so hard talking about our future and how our kids would be a boy and a girl. One named Karina and another name Jyair." I chuckled with a smile as a tear rolled down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.

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