Chapter 27 || Lost Control

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"The surgery was very successful and your friend should be on the road to recovery in no time," The doctor explained happily.

Five sighs of relief washed over the room and Hoseok was over the moon. Taehyung would be okay!

Hoseok wanted to tell the boy how much he loved him, he wanted to tell Taehyung that he would protect him until he took his own last breath.

"You can see your friend in ten minutes I will send somebody to come and get you," The doctor uttered before he walked out.

The boys nodded at the doctor but they were all equally nervous.

Yoongi however was pacing the floor like a maniac, he looked like he was going insane. He couldn't get her out of his mind. Her words, her presence, her adorable height, her hand in his, her lips on his, her lips.

He couldn't bare it, he thought of Byun Baekhyun talking about kissing her. His girl. But not quite.

He thought about Bakehyun looking at her and his hands clenched into fists. He had to get her back. Taehyung was going to be alright, but there were no promises for Arya and every minute Yoongi spent doing nothing, was another minute that Arya could be hurt.

"Hyung~ Are you okay?" Jimin asked Yoongi.

Yoongi had paced the floor so many times that he thought he would faint with the dizziness.

"I have to go and get her. I - I need her," He said harshly.

"Yoongi~hyung you can't go yourself it's dangerous!" Jimin argued.

"He's right Yoongi, we'll all go together and get her back tomorow," Hoseok mumbled.

"But what if she doesn't have until tomorrow!" Yoongi scowled.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad they won't kill her," Namjoon spoke up.

"I'm not letting her go through this! I~I love her too much!" Yoongi yelled in frustration and when he realised he had just confessed to the boys it was too late to take anything back.
"I-I love Arya. And I am going to save her," He said and he slowly backed towards the door.

"Yoongi-" Namjoon began angrily but Yoongi had walked out of the room. And needless to say every boy in that room knew that there was no point in going after him because changing Yoongi's mind had always been impossible.

Yoongi knew that none of the boys would even dare follow him out of the room. He walked down the corridors in the hospital with his face showing a thousand emotions. He had went through a lot with her, and he was not going to lose her. Not this time; not again.

But what Yoongi didn't know was that by leaving that room, he was missing very important information.


"Guys there is something you should know and I don't want you to get pissed off at me because when I found out about this it put me in a very difficult position." Jin spoke and the whole rooms attention was on him. "I knew that Arya was getting those messages," Jin spoke slowly.

The three boys looked very shocked at Jin's words. "And before you say anything I want you to know that it was very difficult for me because by telling you I would have betrayed her trust and she probably would stop telling me what was happening. She was a mess, she had been sobbing on the floor because she blamed herself for everything. When I broke into her room it was because she hadn't been eaten in two days and I also seen that she hadn't been sleeping. She was guilty, especially of running away and being harsh to Yoongi. She blamed herself for all of that and she was a complete mess when she gave me her phone." Jin explained and the room was completely silent.

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