Chapter 42 || Busan

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Yoongi anxiously bit his fingernails, everyone was silent. The only noise was Jin tapping the laptop on his knee. Tension and anxiety filled the group who were sitting on the airplane.

As soon as they figured out that Arya had been taken to Busan Jin made a few phone calls -he has connections- and he got them an immediate private jet to South Korea. Instead of wasting time getting a car in Korea they drove Jin's black Mercedes onto the plane which was downstairs. Needless to say the private jet was huge.

"I've traced the phone to a small town that's two hours away from Busan." Jin chewed on his bottom lip.

"So it's useless?" Yoongi said as he stood up and began to pace the floor.

"Give me that-" Hoseok Said And he took the laptop from Jin.

Taehyung was lying on the couch napping and Jimin was sitting on one of the chairs.

"Hyung~ can we get food I'm starving," Jimin asked. Food was the last thing to worry about but seen as it was a twelve hour flight and the last thing they ate was dinner yesterday at 9am, Jin decided that food was probably the best thing to do at this moment.

"Well if I'm honest I do remember Hong Jisoo telling me that this plane is sponsored by McDonald's....." Jin muttered.

"I'll have a Big Mac meal!" Hoseok said, without looking up from the computer screen.

"I'll have a twenty chicken McNugget meal, I'm starving!" Jimin said happily.

"I'll have a drink of water," Yoongi said, food was the last thing on his mind.

"Taehyung will have a plain cheese burger meal," Hoseok spoke for the boy who was still asleep.

"I'll have a McChicken sandwich with a Fanta," a muffled female voice said.

Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok And Jimin all let out high pitched feminine screams.

"What the fuck?!" Jin and Yoongi both yelled at the same time.

"Who the fuck was that?" Jimin yelled.

"It came from behind Taehyung!" Hoseok whispered.

The four boys slowly looked behind the sofa Taehyung was sleeping on to see a familiar blonde haired girl lying on the floor. "What the fuck! How did you get here?" Jimin asked.

Katrina sat up giggling, "I bribed Nayeon, do you guys know how painful it is to be crammed into the back of a car with a broken arm, sprained leg and broken ribs!"

The boys all looked at each-other confused. "How the hell did you manage to get out of the car then?" Hoseok asked.

"Well after bribing Nayeon she helped me into the boot of Jin's car which you drove onto the plane, and then whilst you were all talking I slipped behind the sofa, Well if I'm honest it hurt so fucking much and I'm pretty numb right now. I literally dragged myself out of the car and here."

"I'll go and see if I can find you some morphine," Jimin said before disappearing to the front of the plane.

"Katrina what the hell did you bribe Nayeon with?" Jin asked, knowing that Katrina's condition was dangerous and that it had to be a good deal for Nayeon to put Katrina at risk willingly.

Katrina giggled, "your phone number."

Jin pointed to himself, "me?"

Katrina nodded. "Can you help me up? I'm a bit stuck."

Yoongi and Hoseok lifted Katrina up, she yelled in pain as they sat her down on the other sofa. (The private jet has sofas not chairs like an average airplane.)

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