Around Republic City.

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It had been two days.

Two days, since Naruto had arrived in the elemental world.

He had gotten used to it somewhat, but everyday things still amazed him.

He would see a spirit, and think it was one of the most amazing and bizarre things in the world; while the airbenders looked at him like he was crazy.

They had asked for Naruto's history, and Naruto had given it to them. He would tell them about something new everyday. Right now, everyone knew up to the point of Naruto recently having come back to the village, and was going to save Gaara from the Akatsuki.

Back to the present, Naruto was going out to Republic City, as some of the younger airbenders wanted to show him around.

They went all over; showing him all kinds of things he had never seen before. Like, moving boxes with wheels, like carriages, but automatic. They showed him other benders, and music players, and radios. Naruto was fascinated by all of them.

But, Naruto began to grow hungry.

"Are there ramen shops around here?" Naruto asked.

One of the kids stopped and looked at Naruto. "Ramen? You mean soup? Um... I don't know."

Naruto hung his head, but then spotted something. He lifted his head back up, and saw a ramen stand. Naruto smiled.

Naruto pointed over to there. "Look! I found one!"

Naruto began running over to it to get some noodles for his hungry stomach. But the kids were telling him not to. They were shouting; telling him that wasn't a noodle stand. But Naruto saw it plain as day.

Naruto ignored their shouts and listened to his gut; literally.

But when he got to it, it disappeared. Naruto's smile faded as he looked around frantically for a moving noodle stand.

Naruto didn't see anything of the sort, but instead saw a giggling spirit. It was small, and sort of tiger shaped. Naruto watched as it laughed fully, and then waved its paws through the air, and formed a noddle stand right above its head. it let the image fade and laughed again.

Naruto was not happy however. He wanted his ramen. And he wanted it now.

"Hey you!" Naruto exclaimed. "Give me my ramen!"

Naruto began walking towards it, but it turned and ran. Naruto proceeded to run after it, and he chased it for a good mile or so.

But, at a certain point it got away from him. Naruto scoffed at it.

But Naruto then heard a noise. He turned and saw something.

There was a man on the ground with a woman holding him by his collar. The man looked terrified, and the woman didn't look happy.

Naruto saw the situation and knew that he should do something.

He began walking towards them.

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