The generator.

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Naruto entered the room to discover that the entire room was glowing blue.

He realized it when his back was to the light of the previous room/hallway. It wasn't an ominous blue, more like a quiet, calm blue.

Naruto looked behind him to make sure none of the guards could follow him. He then closed the dented door t shut it. But since it wouldn't shut all the way because of the paper bomb, he stretched wire across it two times over.

"There that should hold 'em." He said to himself. "Now to find out what that is..."

He turned and walked toward the source of the dim glow. It was a large, whacky-looking thing in the exact center of the room.

It was emitting a low hum, that made it sound like it was machinery to Naruto.

Ever since he had entered this world, he had discovered all sorts of things! Like, what did they call them? Automo... something or other. And big tall houses, and other things.

But, he was most fascinated by any sort of large machine that he had no idea what it did. It just gave him a curious feeling inside. One that made him want to... press a button, or pull a lever of some sort.

He walked up to it until he was less than two feet away.

It was about 10 feet tall as Naruto guessed, and maybe 4 feet around. He didn't know what that meant for it, but either it was not very powerful, or they made it super powerful, but really small.

Naruto decided to stay optimistic, and say it was not powerful.

He reached a hand out, and touched the flowing blue opening of it. Instantly when his hand made contact, it electrocuted him.

Naruto jerked back his hand. "Ow! Hey! You don't do that ya hear?! Stupid thing..."

He looked it over from top to bottom. The top connected into the ceiling, and the bottom connected into the floor. He saw the glow of the electricity flow out of the room.

He looked at the door. 'Where does it go?' He thought.

He looked back at the thing, and thought. 'Maybe a... a piece of furniture? No, that's dumb. A ramen maker? No... I'm just hungry. So what is it?!'

He tried to remember anything that would've been important to him that might have been about what this was.

But nothing came to mind.

He growled, and stomped his foot. "Agh! Why can't I figure out what this stupid thing is?!"

His voice carried throughout the room for a few seconds, and then stopped.

He sighed. "Wish Shikamaru was here..."

Naruto then got a sudden burst of determination, and he put his fist in the palm of his other hand. "I can't give up! That's not my ninja way! I just need to find something to figure this out..."

He walked around the device, and looked around the floor and walls.

That's when he saw it.

A manual!

Naruto ran over, and picked it up. "So... 'The Operation And Assembly Of The Spiritual Generator.' Wow, cool! Maybe this'll help!"

He opened it up, and read the index. He flipped to the chapter about functionality, and began reading.

"...The Spiritual Generator has a unique function. This function comes from thousands of years ago... blah blah blah. Lemme skip ahead... ah, there we go!" Naruto grinned at his genius acts. "The Generator's basic function is to give roaming spirits the sudden urge to become servants under any individual. This goes beyond feeling, as it also gives them powers of bending the elements, and withstanding severe attacks." He closed the book. "Now I know what it does!"

He glared at the generator. "You're gonna go down. I am not gonna let this happen!"

He grabbed a kunai from his bag, and threw it at the machine. All it did however, was bounce off harmlessly.

He rolled his eyes. "Why can't a kunai just break one thing?!"

He sighed, exasperated, and then sat down cross-legged.

He closed his eyes, and began drawing in nature energy.

He thought of how his comrades were fighting outside to save him, and how Korra had come inside to get him out before the building went whacko. And how he had fought most of them out there, and promised to fight Korra last, but never got the chance.

He thought of how that jerk Mister Mikikashi guy was forcing these spirits to do what he wished. Those spirits deserved freedom!

His eyes shot open with newly-formed sage power, and he stood up swiftly.

He created two shadow clones. "This... is all going to end!"

His clones and him created a rasenshuriken, and Naruto ran forward with it in his right hand. "Ahhhhh!"

He threw it at the generator.

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