Mindscape conversation.

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Naruto looked around. He was back in his mindscape. What happened? The last thing he remembered was being knocked out by that creature.

"Look at me Naruto."

Naruto recognized that voice. He turned and saw the giant cage that separated him and the ninetails.

His eyes narrowed. "Ninetails... what do you want? I'm kinda in the middle of something here!"

The ninetails chuckled. "You were struck and are now lying unconscious. You are in the middle of nothing."

Naruto scowled. "Ok, fine. But why did you call me? I don't need to talk to you!"

Ninetails looked off to the side as if he were contemplating something. "Your ridiculous sage jutsu won't beat this guy so easily."

Naruto huffed and crossed his arms. "Pfft, yeah right! That's just what you want me to think! I beat Pein with it, so why not him? It's not like my sage mode has become weaker since entering this world."

The demon fox didn't get impatient as he might have usually when Naruto would get all snippy. Instead, he simply once again turned his face to look at Naruto with his typical sneer.

"You were knocked out in one simple hit. Sage mode is limited and he is fast and strong. You stand no chance."

Naruto pondered what the ninetails was saying. Could he be right..?

Naruto dramatically pointed at the ninetails. "Ok I'll humor you! So what if it's not enough? What should I do then huh?!"

The fox's giant claw scraped one of the bars. "Let my power run through you. Let me take control."

Naruto let his pointing hand fall to his side as he stood silent for a few seconds.

Suddenly his expression turned into a smile, then his cheeks puffed out as if he was holding something in. He then burst out laughing.

Ninetails wasn't happy about this. "Stop laughing! This is not a joke!"

Naruto wiped a tear from his eye. "You think I would trust you? After what you did to me during the fight with Pein? If my father hadn't been in that seal..."

His expression suddenly changed to one of sorrow.

The ninetails sighed. "You may not trust me. But, if you don't take the chance, you'll lose; and your comrades will all die and I will be extracted from you. You will die, and my power will be used to destroy lands. Do you want that?"

Naruto bit his lower lip as he looked at the tailed beast in front of him. He hated the idea, but what the ninetails was saying was actually sounding fairly reasonable.

The tailed beast smiled. "I won't let it pass more than 5 tails. And only for a bit. Then, I'll leave it to you."

The blonde gritted his teeth. "...I...I don't like it, but if it's to save them then..."

Ninetails nodded slowly. "Yes. Now undo the seal. I'll release you when I'm done. I have no reason to take control anyway; this isn't even a world I want to be stuck in."

Naruto kept thinking it over. It could end badly. But if he went without it, and they failed... it would be too late.

Naruto looked up at the ninetails. "Alright. I'll do it."

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