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Everyone froze. Naruto stopped before he could create shadow clones, while Korra kept the rock in the air.

Everyone looked to where the shout had come from. Suddenly Meelo, Jinora, Kai, Ikki, and Tenzin all came down from the sky.

They landed, and Naruto put his hands down, while Korra let her rock fall to the ground.

Jinora ran up to Korra long with Meelo and Ikki.

Ikki looked up at Korra's face. "Korra! I haven't seen you in so long!" She hugged Korra tightly.

Korra hugged Ikki too, and then released her. "I know. I'm sorry. I just... needed some time away from everyone."

Tenzin walked up to Naruto and looked at his eyes. "And what is going on here?"

Naruto looked at the airbenders. He pointed a finger at Korra. "She attacked an innocent man! I was helping him out!"

Korra glared at Naruto. She then used earthbending, and the man flew up in the air, and landed next to Korra. "This man you mean?"

Naruto clenched his fist. "Yes."

Lin smiled at Korra. "So you caught him then. I should've expected as much."

Naruto glared at both Korra and Lin. "And she's in league with her!"

Meelo ran over and stared up at Naruto; giving him his most disturbing face yet. "Are you ok? You seem a little crazy."

Naruto was surprised at Meelo's comment at first. "I'm fine! I was just protecting this guy!"

Lin chuckled. "You mean the criminal? He's been attacking innocent non-benders, and wreaking havoc all over Republic City."

Naruto looked at the guy. "Wait, what?"

The guy sighed. "Yes, it's true. But, I almost got away with it! I was about to leave when this kid whipped out some crazy moves and powers!" He pointed at Naruto.

Naruto, still in sage mode, looked around at everyone who was staring at his eyes. He hung his head. "I guess you haven't heard of sage mode then, have you?"

Korra walked over and put her hand on his shoulder. "If it's any consolation, you were actually pretty tough."

Naruto looked up at her, and then straightened himself. "Of course. I beat Nagato; the leader of the Akatsuki!"

Korra gave him a confused look, and didn't respond.

Jinora walked over to Korra. "Korra, I saw his memories. He is not from around here. Not even from this world, I don't think. The person he's talking about destroyed his village."

Korra then looked at Naruto again. "Not from this world?"

Tenzin spoke up, "We should first take this man to prison." Tenzin pointed at the criminal. "Then, we should tell you what Jinora saw."

Lin sighed. "I'll take him to prison then."

Mako ran over with Asami in his arms. "Asami should get medical attention too."

Asami lightly hit his chest. "I told you, I'm not that injured!"

Naruto grimaced when he saw Asami. "Ooh, yeah. Sorry about the rasengan thing. I didn't know about the whole, you know... situation."

Asami exhaled. "It's alright. It didn't hurt too bad."

Naruto looked at her with slight surprise. "Really? It was sage infused rasengan. Not just an ordinary rasengan."

Mako waved off Naruto's comment. "I'll go with you, and take Asami to the hospital. So I'll only go with you part of the way. You sure you can handle this guy?"

Lin smiled, and wrapped the criminal in metal bindings. "I think I'll be fine."

Bolin smiled. "Great! I think I want to hear the story."

Tenzin nodded. "Ok then. Let's find a place to talk."

Naruto/Korra crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now