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"Let's listen to what he says. I honestly believe that he's not lying." Korra informed them all. "And if he is, well... we'll pummel him."

Atoki smiled. "Thank you. Now then, you are all going to have to follow me through the spirit world. That may not sound difficult, but it will end up being somewhat challenging."

Bolin released Atoki from his earth trap. "Alright."

Atoki stretched his arms. "No, not 'alright'. You will also have to follow me, as my full spirit form."

Tenzin's eyes widened slightly. "But I thought that WAS your spirit form."

Atoki shook his head, and sighed. "No. I use this form to let others know I'm a spirit, without actually transforming into my full-on spirit form. My form is... embarrassing actually."

Jinora smiled. "How could it be embarrassing?"

Atoki looked at her with nervous eyes, as he began glowing a bright blue. His body morphed, or maybe backwards morphed until the light faded, and all that was left was a small light blue ferret that stood on two legs. His standing height was approximately 2 feet tall. His small, bushy tail was 10 inches long.

Ikki swooned. "Awww! Look at you!"

Atoki's shoulders drooped. "I know. I'm... adorable." He said the word like it meant 'horrible'.

Ikki rushed over to him, and scooped him in her arms. "You sound cute too! And you're so fluffy!"

Atoki squirmed. "If you weren't a kid, then I would be covering you in bite marks and scratches by now!"

Ikki did not let go however, but simply held him.

Korra snickered at Ikki's reaction. "Well, at least you have an admirer."

Tenzin walked over, and put his hand on Ikki's shoulder. "Ikki, I believe you should put him down so that he may lead us."

Ikki got a sad expression, but obeyed her father's orders. She placed him on the ground.

Atoki brushed off his belly fur. "Thank you. Now then, let's go." He turned around, and was about to scurry away, when Korra stopped him.

"Wait!" She said. "The portal is in Republic City! Or in the north or south poles, and we don't have time to get to those two. So... don't we have to turn back?"

Atoki turned to them all, and shook his head. "No. In fact, there is a small, insignificant portal in this direction, that no one knows about. It's so we can come out of the spirit world without anyone noticing."

Meelo nodded, and pointed to himself. "But of course, I knew about it!"

Jinora looked at him; clearly irritated. "How? When did you find out?"

Meelo put his hand down. "Well... I uh..."

Atoki face-pawed himself. "Never mind that. There isn't much time. We must rescue the boy, before they draw out whatever power he has deep inside him."

Tenzin stepped forward. "Power? What power?"

Atoki looked at Jinora. "Din't you see it when you witnessed his past at the Tree of Memories?"

Jinora nodded. "I do remember times in his past where... he would have a sudden outburst of anger, and then some sort of... thing would came out. Like a red aura."

Atoki nodded back. "That's it. They want to utilize that power for their own gain."

Bolin pondered all this. "I wonder how they knew we were at the stadium..."

Atoki walked closer to them with his little furry feet. "They knew, because all of you powerful benders in one place, plus that power he has, it gave away your position to the maximum."

Bolin gaped. "Oh."

Atoki pointed ahead of him. "Anyway, we must be going now! If we don't hurry, the power could be extracted, and your friend killed!"

Korra pumped her fist. "Then we don't have time to waste. Let's go!"

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