chapter four

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| Manhattan, NY |

Jungkook was not himself anymore. His whole world has become shaken and he can't keep his paranoia under control. His mind is clouded with worst case scenarios. Scenarios he always feared, but knew would never happen. Taehyung was gone from his life. Everything was supposed to end. Jungkook would've had time to heal and move on.

Taehyung wasn't supposed to call him. Jungkook had forced Taehyung into a small, little box and pushed him aside from his life. He was supposed to become small and never become the center of Jungkook's life anymore. He didn't have room for it anymore. He had his sons to worry about. He was done worrying about the past, but now Taehyung made himself big again. Big enough to figure out about Taemin.

Jungkook never thought he would have to worry about the pregnancy. He didn't want any more drama in his life. Taemin was supposed to be his peace. Taemin was supposed to be the one good thing that came from Taehyung. But how can he confront Taehyung about their son now? After all these years, how can he explain himself and the choice he made?

He didn't want to worry about these things anymore. He wasn't going to anymore. The minute Taehyung told Jungkook that he knew about Taemin he hanged up the phone. Even if Taehyung kept calling him back he ignored it. He wasn't going to deal with it. That part of his life was over and if Taehyung wasn't okay with it, well that was his problem. It wasn't Jungkook's problem anymore.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" Jungkook awoke from his thoughts and turned around to see his boss, Yoongi, at the door of the break room.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm fine," Jungkook replied with a weak smile.

"Well, you're about twenty minutes late," Yoongi said.

"I'm really sorry about that. I'll try to do better next time," Jungkook said.

"Are you sure you're fine," Yoongi asked. "You seem a bit distracted today?"

Jungkook shook his head. "I'm fine, really. I'm just having one of those days, but I'm good to work. I'll even stay a little longer to make up for my lost time."

Yoongi waved his hand at Jungkook. "Don't worry about it. Just make sure you clock in and start helping out with the tables."

Jungkook nodded and Yoongi left before taking one more glance at Jungkook. Jungkook quickly put on his apron and went out into the diner to start his shift.


Waiting on tables and interacting with the customers was a good distraction for Jungkook. It eased him a little and made him forget about what was going on. Work kept him busy and motivated. There was no Jay to stress him out or Taehyung to worry about. Oddly, the diner full of needy customers was his escape away from his crazy, messed up life.

As Jungkook was taking an order back to the cooks, he noticed a new customer sitting down at his area. After he rounded on some tables and refilled drinks, he made his way to introduce himself as he would with any customer.

"Hi, sir, welcome to Star Diner. My name is Jungkook and I'll be your server this afternoon," Jungkook said with an enthusiastic smile. "What can I get you to drink?"

The man was hard to recognize. He had on a hat and glasses on to cover his hair and eyes. He had on a nice, pink shirt and a shiny watch on his wrist. "I'd like a water, please."

Something in Jungkook snapped. He recognized the voice. He had just spoke to that voice an hour ago.

"And when you can back, maybe you'd like to sit with me and talk, Jungkook." He took off his glasses and revealed his calm eyes at Jungkook.

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