chapter nine

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| Manhattan, NY |

"Hell no! I'm not going!"

Jay slammed his cup down, causing the water to spill on the dinner table. Jay glared at Jungkook, who was growing angry with his son's attitude. 

"Will you quit your crap! I'm tired of you disrespecting me! I am your father, Jay! I make the rules and I make the decisions whether you like them or not!"

Jay quickly pulled his chair back and stood up with fury. "For the last time! I am not going to Los Angeles because my father asks us too!"

Earlier today...

Jungkook and Taemin had just gotten back home from the elementary school and Jungkook started to wash his hands in the kitchen to make a quick snack for Taemin. Taemin ran off to his room to drop off his shoes and backpack and hurried back to the living room to watch some cartoons. 

"I'm gonna give you some apples with peanut butter, is that okay," Jungkook asked Taemin.

"Yes, daddy. Thanks!"

Jungkook went ahead and pulled an apple from the fruit basket and grabbed a knife to cut it. As he began to cut the apple into slices, the doorbell rang. 

"I'll get it daddy!" Taemin ran to the door, but Jungkook thought it was probably Jay. 

"Papa," Taemin exclaimed when he opened the door. He ran back to the kitchen to get Jungkook's attention. "Daddy, papa's here!"

Taemin grabbed hold of Jungkook's hand and dragged him to the front door. Taehyung was standing at the door and sent Jungkook a half-smile. He was dressed up all nice and fancy like he usually did. Jungkook was a little curious why Taehyung was even here in the first place. They didn't plan to meet up today.

"Hey, what are you doing here," Jungkook asked, fixing his hair. 

"I just wanted to stop by and say hi," Taehyung replied, smiling down at Taemin who walked over to hug Taehyung. "How is my little buddy doing today?"

"I'm good! Are you here to play with me," Taemin asked with hopeful eyes. 

"Sorry, buddy I can't today. I'm busy getting my things ready for my flight back home tomorrow."

Jungkook looked puzzled. "Wait, you're leaving? How come you didn't tell me this earlier?"

"Yeah, that's what I came to tell you about," Taehyung replied. "I've been taking a break from performing and they need me back to the swing of things. I've just been having such a good time here and getting to spend time with Taemin, that I lost track of time. So, today's my last day here."

"You're leaving, papa," Taemin asked Taehyung with sad eyes. 

Taehyung crouched down to Taemin's eye level. "I'm afraid so buddy, but it's okay."

"Will I see you again?"

"Of course you will. Maybe your daddy is okay with you guys coming with me," Taehyung replied, looking up at Jungkook to see his response.

Jungkook was taken back. "Are you proposing that we go with you to Los Angeles?"

Taehyung stood back up and looked at Jungkook with a shy expression. "Only if you're up for it."

"What makes you think I would consider it?"

"Things have been so good, and I would hate to put a halt to it, so I thought you, Taemin, and Jay could fly back with me for a little vacation. You know, get to see the sites, get to follow the life of a celebrity, and we can all be together. You guys can spend some time with Jihun and Taemin can continue to hang out with me. It'll just be for the weekend, what do you say?" Taehyung looked so hopeful and optimistic about the opportunity, but Jungkook felt like this was a big leap. Everything was going great and it was simple. He wasn't sure if he wanted to do this.

"I don't know Taehyung. It's a lot to consider right now," Jungkook replied with a quiet tone. 

"I understand, Jungkook. It's up to you if you want. I'll be fine, I'll be back soon," Taehyung said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Taemin tugged the end of Jungkook's shirt. Jungkook looked down at his son. "Daddy, please. Let's go home with papa!"

"Sweetheart, this is home, and you're papa will be back before you know it," Jungkook told Taemin.

"No, daddy, please, let's go. I wanna be with papa! Please, please, please!"

"Taemin, we can't. It's just too―"

Taemin started to throw a tantrum in front of Jungkook and Taehyung. "I want to go with papa! I wanna go! Please! I wanna be with papa!"

"Okay, Taemin, okay! We'll go, just please stop crying," Jungkook begged, picking up his crying son into his arms.

"You will," Taehyung asked. He honestly couldn't believe that Jungkook was agreeing to his idea. He was actually thanking Taemin in silence for changing his mind.

"We're gonna go," Taemin asked with so much hope that his teary face was too adorable for Jungkook to say no. 

"Yeah, I guess we will," Jungkook said. He turned his attention back to Taehyung. "I guess I'll let Yoongi know that I'll be gone for the weekend and I'll let Jay know when he comes home."

"Alright, awesome," Taehyung replied, still shocked that Jungkook agreed. "I'll be by tomorrow to pick you guys up. I'll get us a flight first thing in the morning." Taehyung said his goodbyes and Jungkook and Taemin went back inside. 

"Thank you daddy," Taemin said as Jungkook set him down on the couch. 

"You're welcome, Taemin. You know I'm doing all of this for you."

Present time....

Jungkook stared at Jay sternly, as if they were both having a stand off. "Quit this stupid victim act, Jay! You're not the only one who got hurt in the situation! Taemin never got a chance at a true family like you did. You've had the privilege to live a beautiful life, but because of everything that happened, Taemin never got that, but now he can. Stop thinking about yourself and think about someone else who might benefit from this."

Jay stayed silent, but continued to glare at Jungkook. "He's so happy to have his father in his life, and I'm glad everything is working out. I get that you have issues with him, but do this for Taemin. Help him be as happy as he deserves to be."

Jay turned his face away from Jungkook. He bit his lip continuously, running the idea in his mind several times. Jungkook's heart was steadily beating against his chest, waiting to hear Jay's response.

"Fine." Jay walked past Jungkook without looking at him. "I'll go pack my stuff." He walked towards his room and Jungkook heard his bedroom door close. 

Jungkook took a sigh of relief. This was all for Taemin, he thought to himself. He got up and picked up the plates and took them to the sink. Jungkook felt anxious about leaving his home, but if it made Taemin happy, he could be okay with it.


So, this was just a filler for what is going to come along. The real stuff begins in the next chapter! I have exams next week, so I'll try to get a new chapter out as soon as possible. 

What do you think is going to happen at Los Angeles? Leave your thoughts and remember to vote if you liked this chapter!

Until next time! 

- A.

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