Vampire Guardian: Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6

Daddy Issues - The Neighbourhood

I run my fingers over the covers placed over me.

"Brad she's moving." I hear Karley say before I flutter my eyes open. Karley is staring at me with her wide eyes and Brad is sitting on a folded chair in the corner. I smile at them while sitting up.

"Hey what happened?" I ask, looking down and seeing that I'm in a hospital gown. The room is small and dull just like any hospital room.

"What happened! You fell down the stairs at the Frat a-and I thought- nevermind." She shakes her head and I furrow my eyebrows. I feel fine so why am I in the hospital?

I turn to look out the window and it's day out.

"You thought what?"

"There was blood everywhere and your skull was cracked open-"

"- her head is perfectly fine you probably drank too much." Brad argues after sitting at the end of my bed. I bring my hand to my head, feeling nothing wrong with it.

"I'm okay." I chuckle and Karley shakes her head.

"There was blood Bradley. Blood everywhere! What explains the blood on my clothes!"

"That dude said it was fake. It was just a prank."

"I don't care what he says I felt Scarlet's skull in half." I end their harsh conversation.

"Wait who?" They stop and turn to me.

"His name is Peter he's in the waiting room actually." Karley softly says to me and I look towards the door. Peter is here? Why is he here I don't even know him. "He sat by your side the whole time you were out until the ambulance came to the house."


"Yeah he was acting very weird." I stay quiet for a moment before looking back at Karley.

"What about my dad?" My voice is soft when I ask. Karley sighs and licks her lips.

"The doctors and police tried to contact him but there was nothing. So my dad said he's your guardian." I don't want to cry so I smile, grabbing her hand that's resting on her lap. Her dad is the Sheriff in the town I live in. He's a very nice and respectful man.

"Now you guys know how much he cares." I sarcastically say, sniffling, holding everything in to not cry. I'm not this weak to cry so easily. However now that I'm in the hospital he doesn't even know.

"They went to his house but no one was home. Don't worry we're here for you." I give her hand a light squeeze.

"Thank you guys so much."

The door opens and a nurse walks in with a large goofy smile on her face.

"Peter Harris is a very eager young man. He's been waiting all night." She informs with somebody standing behind her.

"All night? Wow, I went home and slept for a bit before coming here." Karley laughs and I pull my hand off hers.

"He would like to see you." The nurse adds before I nod my head.

"Yeah that's totally fine." Karley stands from sitting besides me and eyes Brad to stand from sitting.

"We'll check when you can be cleared to go home." Karley adds before leaving the room with Brad. I run my hands through my hair which is clean because they must have cleaned it last night when I got to the hospital.

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