Vampire Guardian: Chapter 36.

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Chapter 36.

Promiscuous - Nelly Furtado

The following morning, I told Brad that we knew where Karley would possibly be. He is praying she'll be at the Den because although their dad thinks she's at my house, he'll soon worry. Especially if he doesn't get a phone call or a message from her.

All day I was anxious, hoping she isn't hurt or anything. I don't want her to be traumatized if something did happen to her. Soon, the sun set and Peter and I went off to Patchogue around nine at night.

Eventually we reach the front of the Den and I start to quake with fear. I didn't know what I am going to encounter. I am going to be in a room full of vampires. I have various of predictions in my head but I know I'll be safe with Peter. I just want to find Karley.

It's so crazy that before all of this, I lived a typical human life. Now I am introduced into a new species and their lifestyle. I never knew this would happen.

"ID?" The large bounce says and I furrow my eyebrows before looking up at Peter. He gives the bouncer a cheeky grin, exposing his fangs that were poking at his bottom lip.

"She's with me." He roughly grabs me and forces me against him. I slam to his side and I hold in curses when he squeezes my upper arm tightly.

The bouncer smirks before grabbing me by the waist. I'm close to his large figure and I gasp at the small amount of space we have between us. He lowers his head towards mine and I close my eyes tightly. He runs his nose over my throat and inhales deeply.

"She's delightful."

"Well she's mine." Peter snaps before pulling me back to him. Seriously I feel like a ragged doll being tossed around. He guides me towards the open door but the bouncer slips between me and the entrance, stopping us.

"You're forgetting something?" He waves something in front of my face. It's a shot glass full with a thick red liquid. I hold it in my grip and I smell it. Vampire blood.

"Drink it." Peter insists and I shake my head.

"No I can't." I feel sweat forming on my forehead. My lips start to quiver and I feel like I can't swallow.

"Listen," He grabs my arm and pulls me aside so I can't cause traffic. Peter turns to check that the bouncer isn't paying attention to us. He's letting other young people drink the blood and go in freely. "To get in you have to drink this. They think I'm just bringing you in just to feed on you. They have to make sure you don't remember anything. You wanted to join along, so do as I say."

I gulp loudly and look down at the glass full with blood. I purse my lips tightly together before nodding.

"Fine, fine." I say before lifting it to my mouth and bringing my head back. The blood fills my mouth and my tastebuds go wild. It's like the time Peter fed his blood to me during the car accident. I didn't want to stop. I swallow it before licking my lips for the remains.

Peter smiles and takes the glass from my hand before handing it back to the bouncer. He nods to Peter allowing to go in. Right when we walk through the entrance there's darkness.

"Peter I can't see." I say worried until I feel a hand on my wrist. My body is so warm. My face is burning hot. I've never felt this way.

"Don't worry I'll be by your side the whole time." He reassures and I soon feel calm. There's another bouncer and he separates two thick black curtains. We walk through and I squint, my eyes sensitive to the red lights.

There's people everywhere. It's exactly like a club with slow yet pleasurable music. I stop at my tracks when I don't feel Peter's hold around my waist. I turn and he isn't besides me. I glance around the large room. There's LED lights glowing in strobes. There's a bar on one wall and on the other side are tables, stools and booths to sit on.

There's humans and vampires. There's exotic women in lingerie dancing on the stage ahead. Or they're being fed from attractive vampires. The vampires are enjoying company with the humans, talking, kissing, or feeding. The humans are taking the feeding in various of pleasurable ways.

They're too high on vampire blood. The pain of the actual bite doesn't hurt them. Watching them makes my skin crawl in wanting to feel the same way they are. Why? Maybe because I've had Peter's blood coursing through my veins.

Suddenly someone grabs me from behind gingerly, running their front against my back. I bring my hands over theirs that's resting low on my hips. I feel them rest their head on my shoulder. Goosebumps rise off my body, hair prickling up in fear.

"Are you by yourself baby?" The low voice whispers in my ear and my breathing starts to grow heavy.


"Back off," Someone cuts me off and the man is ripped off my body. I cock my head to the side and I see Peter shoving the man that was on me away. "I brought her." He hisses before the man leaves my side.

Peter runs his hand over my arm and it feels like sparks and fireworks. In his other hand he's holding two shot glasses.

"What's that?"

"Listen, they're going to do the auction later at night. I don't want to grab attention to any vampires than we already do. You need to drink these." I lick my lips and look anxiously around. "Please, to get Karley I need you somewhat high."

"I-I can't."

"Scar," He snaps me out of my fogged up thoughts of telling me to run away. Let Peter handle this. "Just these two I promise. You need to act like every other human in here. You aren't suppose to know we exist remember?" He says and I look at the blood in the glasses. "It's my blood too so," He chuckles and I look at him with a 'really' look. That isn't going to help!

"Okay, okay, fine." He gives me a look and I grab the glasses. "Let's just make this a good night then." I down both shots and flutter my eyes open. I look up to Peter and he has a big smile on his lips. Unbelievable.

"Atta girl." He whispers but it didn't sound like a whisper to me. Oh boy, vampire blood really does do wonders. "Just don't get too excited." He adds and I lean towards his ear.

"But you did say I need to act like every other human in here right? To have fun?" I reply, my voice husky in the loud room surrounding us. "Let's enjoy it till Karley comes out." I look up to Peter and his eyes are gleaming with excitement.

He looks at me up and down, enjoying the view. Everything is stronger after drinking the blood. Last two times I was fed Peter's blood, I passed out. However, now it's different. The smell of blood, alcohol and sex is in the air.

I watch Peter skim his fingers down my arm until grabbing a hold of my wrist. He raises it up to his face, his lips bushing my skin. I gasp at the cold touch.

"If you say so." He mutters before letting his fangs lengthen from his gums. My mouth opens in shock because of how terrifying yet pleasing they look.

Peter brings his fangs down to my skin, breaking the surface. My body ignites in pain at first but it is soon covered with butterflies and a numbing feeling. I bring my head back at the fuzzy feeling. He drinks from me and I bite my bottom lip to hold in any noises I shouldn't be making.

"Don't stop." I mumble as I run my other hand behind the back of his neck and through his soft hair. The vampire that attacked me at the school was harsh, full of hunger. Peter is so gentle and delicate, it feels like a cat nipping.

The music begins to muffle and everything is fading around us. Eventually it ends when Peter pulls away from my wrist and smirks, his lips coated with my blood. I'm so aroused right now and I can't concentrate. Everything is so bright and mellow.

"I want a drink." I say, gesturing towards the bar.


Next chapter will also be good!

I actually had the whole den scene together but I'm making it into two parts because it's long.

I chose this song because it's so iconic. I always get hyped up whenever it comes on the radio or on my playlist lol.



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