Vampire Guardian: Chapter 18.

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Chapter 18.

Ready To Let Go - Cage The Elephant 

Karley and Brad were out like light when we got home. Peter carried Brad inside and drops him on the couch. I stand there in fear realizing that Peter wasn't who he said he was.

Collin stops in front of the front door and plops Karley over his shoulder. She was limply hanging over him with her arms drooping over his back.

"Can I come inside?" He asks me kindly as I stare at him curiously.

"Why can't you-" I stop talking realizing that they aren't allowed to go inside private homes without an invitation. Just like in those movies. I also noticed that I invited Peter in so he's able to come inside whenever he wants. "No."

"Scarlet invite him in." Peter's voice echoes behind me and a shiver runs down his spine.

"Yeah if you don't I'll just take Karley in my dungeon and eat her." Collin jokes while he turns away from the house and walks away.

"Fine! You may come inside." Collin smiles and walks inside, looking around my house.

"Beautiful home Scarlet." He kindly says before placing Karley softly on the other couch. He brushes his fingers along her face and moves her hair aside. It's almost one in the morning but I'm wide awake.

I run my fingers through my hair before picking it up in a bun. Peter and Collin are standing in the middle of the living room staring at me emotionless.

"Are you guys serious?"

"What?" They both say at the same time however in different accents.

"Thanks for bringing them home now please leave." I beg but they don't budge. I point at the door in the dark hallway. "Go you can't be here. Peter killed Courtney and if the police come they'll ask me questions and I can't have this in my life."

"We aren't going anywhere now that you know." Peter exclaims to me and I groan.

"Know what! That you are a-" I stop because I can't force the word out. Peter frowns but Collin has a smirk on his lips.

"Don't be afraid to say it darling. It's just the truth. Yes we are vampires and yes we do drink human blood. Just the way of life." Collin explains and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah the way of life my ass. You guys kill there's nothing normal in that."

"Hey we didn't ask for this. We didn't want this and we have no choice in feeding on humans." Peter snaps.

"Then why didn't you kill me the day you met me. Why did you wait this long!" I argue ignoring the fact that I can wake up the Holt siblings. Peter clenches his jaw and glances away from my angry look.

"You don't know the whole story that's why." His voice is shallow and dark.

"Listen Scarlet you need to rest. You're tired and it'll be better if we talk about this tomorrow morning." Collin adds when silence engulfs us.

"I can't not with you two here."

"We aren't going to do anything. Trust us." Peter takes a step towards me but I stumble back in fright. There's sadness in his eyes because he knows I'm quaking in fear.

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