Vampire Guardian: Chapter 45.

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Chapter 45.

Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Lorde

The two chairs I fall into break. The table moves from the force. My back aches in pain, feels like my nerves have been pulled. I pick myself up and I see Roman coming back to me.

My eyesight is blurry but they clear when I see him kneel down beside me.

"I'll just take this in enjoyment."

"Roman," Peter calls again, his voice echoing in the silent room. I hold in a cry, my body sore. Blood is slowly seeping out of my right thigh. "The Nest is already waiting for us outside of town. Let's just leave her and go."

I eye around my surrounding and there's broken leg chairs beside me. I pick myself up but Roman shoves me back down. My head slams onto the floor.

My ears start to ring and I can't stop the pain pulsing against my head. He runs his hand against my blood-soaked jeans and tilts his head to the side.

"Just a little more pressure." He whispers, digging his fingers in my wound. I scream out in agony, his nails deepening the cut.

"Peter!" I cry out, in hopes he'll respond. Suddenly, Peter grabs Roman and pins him up the wall. He hisses, baring his fangs at him with anger.

I look up, watching him have Roman dangling by his feet. He squeezes his grip around his neck.

"I'm going to end you." Peter growls, pulling him away from the wall just to slam him back against it.

"And so it begins." Roman grabs the drapes beside him and yanks them off the bar. The sunlight seeps in and Peter lets go of him.

His skin starts to burn, his body cowering into the darkness. Peter sucks in a breath before running to him and smashing him into the window. Glass shatters above them while Peter's skin slowly burns to a crisp.

He throws a punch, Roman's head snapping to the side. He grabs a piece of glass and strikes him in the side of the neck.

Blood spews out of the cut when he pulls it out. Roman grunts and pushes him away. Peter goes into the shadow, his skin slowly healing back. I stand but Roman doesn't hesitate by throwing a piece of glass at me.

It strikes my shoulder and I yelp from the pain. Peter screams my name but Roman jumps to him and knocks him down with a punch. I grip my teeth, grabbing the piece in my arm. My hand starts to cut open from the jagged piece.

I pull it out and toss it onto the ground. I watch Roman and Peter fight, punches and kicks beings thrown. Eventually, Roman has Peter in his hold. He snaps his elbow back, bone breaking and popping to the side.

Roman leans and digs his razor teeth into his neck. Peter groans at the feeling, grabbing onto his body. When Roman lets go of his neck, he kicks Peter's leg back and he falls into his knees.

"Obey to your Maker!" Roman yells, stopping Peter from fighting. Peter looks up to him, blood staining his face. "You're weak. You are pathetic and you are worthless." He adds, blood dripping down his neck.

I quietly grab the broken leg chair, the end of it sharp with a point. I make my way to them, Roman's back facing me. Blood is soaking my clothing, my body tired and drained.

However, marshal arts reminded me that pain is temporary, you have to give your all. When your in danger, the adrenaline is all you need.

"If you kill me, you're coming down to Hell with me."

Peter coughs out, blood staining his teeth. His light eyes look up to him, his smile so bright.

"I'm not doing the offer though." Peter eyes me over his leg and then back to him. Peter picks himself up, his arm snapping back in place. He grabs Roman in a headlock and spins him around.

"She is," He adds as I run to them when all my might. Before Roman can make a move, I shove the piece of wood into his chest.

He gasps in return, staring at me in the eyes. I yell in anger, pushing it down onto his chest so the wood goes deeper. Peter lets go and I step back in fright.

Roman purses his lips into a thin line, slowly shuffling his feet to me. He reaches out to grab me but I lean back. Suddenly his body cracks with lines. My eyes widen in shock when the tip of his fingers start to fall. They become ash and so does the rest of his body.

I fall onto the ground, flabbergasted at his body turning into nothing. The only thing that fell was the wood I plunged into his heart.

I start ahead, my breathing shaking. Peter is on the other side of the room, pain written all over his face. Soon enough, he lets out a scream. It was loud and full of distraught. Shivers ran down my spine because it wasn't from anger. It was from being hurt. I jump at how loud while he held onto his chest.

When Peter stops, he slowly makes his way to me. I jolt at his touch when he runs his fingers over my shoulder. I wince at the pain and he bites into his wrist. Blood comes out from the holes his fangs created but I shakes my head.

"Scarlet, you need to heal."

"I don't want it." I mutter, looking away from the blood. Eventually his wound heals and he wipes the remains on his jeans.

"You're going to bleed a lot." Peter says and I shake my head.

"I'll be okay." Suddenly, the floorboards creak and we turn our heads towards the door. Two of the vampires that kidnapped us from my house that night stood in the hall. Peter stands in alarm, ready for a fight if one was going to start.

"Dean wants you." The one that caught me outside says. I held onto my shoulder, trying to slow down the blood. Thankfully they aren't big wounds but I will need stitches. Peter stares at them but starts to talk to me.

"Scarlet, get inside your car and get out of here."

"The girl is coming with us."

"She's not going anywhere near Dean." Peter growls, his hands curling into fists.

"But she's the one that killed your Maker." Peter's facial expressions soften and he sighs. He slowly helps me up as I limp towards the door. They follow us from behind as we go inside their van, abandoning our cars.


Oh no, another trip to the court!



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