Vampire Guardian: Chapter 40.

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Chapter 40

Come Back For Me - Jaymes Young

I was alone in the darkness for so long. I don't know how much time passed. Eventually, Peter woke up and crawled to me, telling me everything will be okay. The bags were still placed over our heads and we had no way to take them off. 

The van holts to a stop and the back doors open. I am pried off the ground and placed onto my feet. I follow them in complete darkness, the bugs at night purring around us. I hear voices and Peter growling, telling them to let me go. 

My heart heaves deeply, nervous at what's going to come. A door creaks open and once we are inside, the bag is taken off me. My hands are untied and I open my eyes to see where I am. It is a very familiar area. I vaguely remember going here when I was a toddler for my father when my mom left us. 

"Welcome to Court." The vampire that captured us says, grabbing me by the arm. It clicks in my head now, realizing that this building is full of court rooms. The time my father was able to have custody of me. 

Two large doors are opened and I'm pushed inside a room with Peter. There are dozens of unfamiliar faces staring at us being forced down the aisle. They're all total strangers yet I know they aren't human. However, my eyes catch someone I do know. The man that lured me to the Den. He's wearing the same leather jacket, his eyes unpromising as before.

There's an elevated platform in the front of the room that's aligned to the walkway we're walking down. There's a middle-aged man sitting with a sinister look in his eyes. A lump forms in my throat, slightly scared of my surrounding. 

Peter is pulled aside and I'm left alone in the middle. I stare at the man ahead of me, his smile rising but not in a friendly way. Behind us are rows and rows of benches full with vampires. Now, I've never felt so terrified in my life being around so many. They all have a dark, threatening look in their eyes. I can tell that they are not like Peter or Collin.

Peter tries to pull away from the men holding him still. He grits his teeth and turns to me, his lips pursing into a thin line. The man that's sitting on the platform stands and adjusts his shirt. He walks down the small stairs and stands in front of me. 

A door on the other side of the wall opens and two men bring Collin out. He tugs himself off them and looks at Peter than me. Than back to Peter.

Collin stays quiet and bows his head down. I turn to Peter and he's watching the man inch closer and closer to me. I take a step back when he dangerously gets too close. The way he's looking at me is like I am his next victim. 

"Scarlett Quinn." He mutters and I flinch at his cold breath brushing along my cheek.

"Get away from her." Peter growls but is held back by a vampire.

"How long has it been Peter? Sixteen years? I've been waiting until something crossed your path again. To come back here." He turns to me and caresses my cheek. I grit my teeth holding back curse words. "I'm Dean Wellings. A pleasure to meet you." He adds with a smirk uprising on his lips.

"Don't touch me." I mutter, still afraid to speak up. He laughs and so does the room. Laughter echoes off the walls and I am soon flustered with embarrassment that they can hear. Who am I to tell a vampire to don't touch me? He can kill me in an instant without me realizing. 

"What am I going to do now, Peter? I already created an alternative punishment for you. I can't do that again especially now that she knows about us."

He walks around me, running his index finger across my throat. I swallow, stiff from his touch. 

"It doesn't matter. Thousands of humans know about us. Let us go." Peter begs but he it shut down when a vampire kicks the back of his leg. Peter yelps and falls onto his knees. Dean rubs his scruff beard before turning to him. 

"We don't really have a choice besides you know-" He shrugs before looking at me. "Killing her." I take a step back but a vampire instantly grabs me from behind. I'm pressed up against his front, my neck held by his whole hand. I grab him, trying to pull away but his grip is too strong. 

Collin breaks free and fights against them but once he reaches me, his neck is snapped in seconds. His unconscious body hits the ground in front of my feet. I yell at the sudden movements and Dean is up close to my face. He inhales my scent as I close my eyes in fear. 

"It wasn't her fault, it was mine! I wasn't careful enough, she saw me kill a human." Peter admits and Dean glances at him. The whole room goes silent and Peter nods his head. "It's true. She found out herself."

Suddenly, Dean pulls away and starts to laugh. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a pocket knife. 

"Do you think that is also the problem?" He makes his way to Peter and looks down at him. At that moment, Peter looks small and vulnerable. Being held down on his knees and his arms pulled back by the vampire. 

"You killed one of your kind in your own Nest. That is my biggest worry." I furrow my eyebrows, trying to think of the time when. It clicked in my head. When he pulled the vampires heart out at the school. 

"I'm not in that Nest." Peter spits back with rage. He slowly stands and leans towards Dean. "Don't you ever say that to me again." Dean starts to play with the tip of the blade, squeezing his skin against it. 

"I like you, Peter." He stops walking and stares at me. "Feeling for her." He adds, giving me a half smile. Whispers afloat in the room from side to side. "I don't want to kill you... but I will make you suffer." 

All of a sudden, he runs to Peter and pulls his head back. He runs the knife across his throat, blood spewing through the deep cut. I scream, falling onto my knees, Collin still passed out in front of me. 

Peter gasps at the force, unable to speak. The vampire let goes of his arms and Peter instantly clenches onto his throat. Blood pours between his fingers and down his chest. He takes a couple of steps towards Dean but he starts to walk backwards, licking the blade clean. 

I watch in fear, my voice crying out to Peter. He eventually falls and bleeds out onto the floor. His blood pools around and eventually reaches my knees, soaking up my leggings. I watch in fright, seeing life in his eyes go dark. They go still and his body stops moving. 

I glance up to Dean who approaches me. I grit my teeth, showing some kind of strength. He places the knife against my throat, right at my windpipe. One slight move and I'm dead. I'll bleed out like Peter. 

I stare at him in the eyes, not prying away. I won't let him win. He snickers and pulls away, walking back up onto the podium. 

"Case closed, you all may leave." He announces and people start to leave the room. Vampires whispering and glancing one last time before leaving. I sat there, the puddle of Peter's blood surrounding me and Collin. I stare at his body, paler than his skin already is. He eyes wide and glassy. 

There's no way he is dead, but he is unconscious. The room starts to grow silent and Collin starts to wake up. He rubs the back of his neck, groaning in pain before propping himself up. He turns to me then realizes the pool of blood beneath us. 

He trails the puddle with his eyes and sees Peter unconscious. 

"You can carry him out." Dean announces to Collin. "Enjoy the next couple of days." He adds before exiting the room. Collin sighs and slowly stands. I stare at the floor in shock, my body afraid to move. 

He ignore the blood still dripping out of Peter's wound and throws him over his shoulder. He turns to me and I look at him with tears slowly filling my eyes. 

"Let's go, darling. You've seen enough."


Sorry that I took so long to update!

Finally I was able to find a job so I've been working like crazy. 

I also made a writing insta page, follow me @ g.a.writer



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