Vampire Guardian: Chapter 32.

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Chapter 32.

No Time To Die - Billie Eilish

Peter has a car in the lot of the condominium that he keeps here. Uses it whenever he's back in Mississippi. We drive to a Bar that he says he goes to often. It's a small one in a deserted plaza. There's a handful of people when we walk in, watching sports on the flat screens hung up on the walls.

We walk to the bar and we sit on the stools. There's a female there and once she sees Peter her eyes light up surprised.

"Shut up! Look what the cat dragged in." She yells loudly before approaching us. She wipes the counter down before stuffing it in her back pocket.

"Hey Tracey." Well, I guess they know each other.

"What are you doing here?" She has long blonde hair and dark green eyes that pop from her dark creamy skin. She has a small pointed nose but full lips. She leans against the counter, her focus on Peter.

"You know, just visiting." He responds back and she chuckles.

"Yep, gotta revisit this no for good town." Peter grunts in return and she turns her gaze to me.

"And you are?" She gives me a sweet look.

"Scarlet." I say with a half smile.

"Nice you meet you, babygirl. What can I get for you guys?" She asks and Peter gestures at the liquor behind her.

"I'll have whiskey and Scar will have a burger with fries."

"No onions though." I cut in and she nods her head.

"You got it." She walks away and into the kitchen in the back. I turn my attention to Peter and before I can say anything he begins to speak.

"She's a vampire." He says and I suck in a breath.

"Is she in a Nest?" He shakes his head.

"No, she's on her own. Basically controls this bar because the owner is a drunk. Turned in Louisiana but ended up here. Met her since she started coming here."

"Did you two ever have a thing?" I ask and he laughs.

"Scar, did you see the way she looked at you? She's very much into women." I choke and he brings his attention to her when she comes back.

"Burger will be ready soon." She pours out a glass for Peter and he thanks her.

"So Scarlet, how do you like Mississippi?" Tracey asks and I shrug.

"I don't know, haven't really experienced. Seems nice." She gags after I answer and I'm taken aback for a moment.

"Such a dump, I hate it here."

"Then why are you still here?" I question and she pulls her hair up into a ponytail.

"I don't know, I travel too but I alway come back. The drunk men usually entertain me." She gazes at Peter before nudging his shoulder. "Besides, I get to see Peter when he comes a goes. Once I haven't seen this fucker for five years I go holy shit they actually caught him then boom, he's here sitting at the same spot he is now."

"I come and go."

"More like vanish," Suddenly you hear yelling and I snap my head to the side. We all look at a man screaming at the television. "Hey Bill!" Tracey shouts and he turns to her. "Shut the fuck up and I'll give you another round!" She adds and he tips his glass towards her before growing quiet and sitting back down.

A worker comes out and slides a plate with my burger and fries towards me. I thank him and Tracey pulls out a bottle of ketchup for me from under the counter.

"You haven't changed." Peter chuckles and she takes a shot of vodka.

"What can I say, these bastards entertain me." I feel an urge to pee so I slowly stand from sitting.

"Where is the bathroom?" I ask and she points at a low dimmed hall.

"On your left but make sure there isn't a guy piss-drunk on the floor. They tend to go in the women restroom." I make my way and when I go in thankfully no one inside. Surprisingly, it's clean. I go into one of the stalls and I pee before walking back out. Once I finish washing my hands someone opens the door and I bump into someone.

The person grabs me by my arm and pushes me back. I look up and it's Tracey. She leans over the sink and turns them on. Water stands running down the drain.

"Hey," I say nervously but she doesn't have a dangerous look in her eyes. It's fear.

"Listen to me, there's a man sitting in the left corner by the door."

"Excuse me?" I stammer but she keeps talking.

"He's a vampire and is after you and Peter. I can't tell Peter because he'll hear us. When we get out, text Peter. Don't say anything!" Tracey insists and I nod my head rapidly.

"Okay, okay." I mumble, my heart racing. I grow stiff when she watches me leave the bathroom. I try not to make eye contact and see where the man is. Peter is sitting by himself, tapping his fingers on the counter with the base of the music that's playing.

I slide back on the stool and stare down at my food. I take a bite of my burger and once Peter finishes his drink he brings his attention to me. There's a suspicious look on his face when he sees me eating silently.

"Are you okay?" Peter wonders and I nod my head. I pull my phone out and I start to type out a message. Peter furrows his eyebrows and leans a little to read.

"Look at Karley." I lie and I bring my phone to him. Once he's done reading I realize that he's in protective mode. He stares ahead where the mirror is behind the liquors. He looks through the entire bar and recognizes the man in the corner by himself.

"We need to leave." Tracey walks out and stops when she sees us. She nods to us in silence before Peter grabs my arm. We start to walk out of the bar and before we leave, we both gaze at the man.

The man is the same one from the bowling alley. He came all the way here? He watches us leave and get into the car.

Peter starts the engine and whips it out of the parking lot. He makes his way down the road and eventually we return back to his apartment. He locks the door and draws the blinds closed.

"Do you think they're going to break in?" I shutter and Peter turns the light on.

"They aren't invited in so we'll be safe. I made sure my landlord signed the papers under her name since she's human." I sit on the couch and lean my head back.

"Do you think Karley and Brad will be okay?" Peter looks at me with worry in his eyes.

"Collin is already on that. Don't worry they'll be okay."

"Thank god." Peter looks at his watch and walks towards me.

"It's late anyways, you should rest."

"Right, okay." I grab my bag that's besides the front door and I head to the bedroom. Peter follows behind and we change into pajamas. I slide under the streets and Peter stands by the light switch.

"Goodnight Scarlet." He proceeds to shut the lights but I grow anxious.

"Wait Peter," I call out and before he shuts the door, he peaks his head in. "C-can you lay down with me?" Without a word he comes back in and makes his way onto the other side of the bed.

He climbs under the sheets and comes up behind me. I turn so I can face him. We gaze into each others eyes before he leans in and kisses my forehead. Soon, I fall asleep with my head buried in his chest.


Next chapter is intense.



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