Vampire Guardian: Chapter 41.

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Chapter 41.

Message to Bears - You are a memory

I leaned on my knees, holding Peter's hand at the edge of the bed. Karley and Brad stood by the doorway in silence, staring at him. Collin was leaning against the wall.

The gash across his throat hasn't healed yet and Peter is still unconscious. After changing his clothes and cleaning the blood stains off his skin, we placed him on my bed.

When we got home, I cried. I cried not because of Peter but because my dad is dead. I am officially an orphan. Karley and Brad were able to hide the truth and say that I was with Peter at night.

They took my dad to the morgue, to be analyzed from the broken neck. I spoke to Officer Holt, distraught at the news. He told me he'll give me time before I have to arrange some things. He said while 'I was gone at night' someone must've broken in and killed him. I told him he could've been drunk and had a fall.

Karley approaches me and rubs my back as I sob onto the bed. Although my father has done numerous of things to me, he was all I had left. Now I'm alone.

"You know that we'll always be here for you." Karley whispers in my ear. I nod my head in silence trying not to let out a yell. I squeeze Peter's hand but I get no response.


They let me be alone for a few hours until I walked out of my bedroom finally. Peter was still unconscious, his body frail and pale. Collin looks at me and I rub my eyes.

"How long will it take for him to wake up?" I begin, my voice scratchy from the cries. I shiver at the thought of his cut neck.

"A few days. He basically bled out. We need to feed him blood so his body replenishes." He explains and I nod, tugging my hair back. Karley approaches me with a sad look in her eyes, giving me a mug of tea.

I sit besides Brad and he pulls a blanket over me. Tears helplessly fall from my eyes as I stare off to nothing. My heart is weighed down by what feels like a brick. If only Peter was awake.

"I will go try to find blood bags because I don't want anybody offering." Collin starts and stands up from sitting on the couch. I look at him with my heavy, tired eyes. "He might wake up without realization that it's one of you."

"So he's going to wake up like an animal?" Brad questions and Collin shrugs.

"I don't know how it works. Never happened to us before. All I know is that he's drowning in his conscious now." He is drowning. He's being dragged in an ocean of emotions in his head right now. Collin is right, he's alive but immobile. He can still think and speak to himself.

"Basically a coma." I reply in a low voice. Collin sighs and nods his head.

"Yes, I will be back." He leaves the house and we are stuck in utter silence.


"You weren't home at four fifty-two in the morning?" Officer Holt questions and I shake my head.

"No I was with Peter at his apartment."

"Where is his apartment?"

"Heading South, Downport."

"Is Peter available to be questioned?" I gaze my eyes towards Karley then back to his. I shake my head.

"No, he went to visit family in Mississippi." I've been at the police department for the past hour. They aren't sure what could have happened to my father but I was taken in for some questions.

"Have you spoken to your father before hand?"

"No, we have a very unusual relationship. Didn't really talk much. As you can see in his records he was a drunk a-and would hurt me sometimes." Officer Holt tosses his pen on the table and leans back in his chair. He stops the recording and sighs.

"I'm sorry, Scarlet. You shouldn't be doing this." I squeeze the tissue that's in my hand and I lick my lips.

"It's okay, you have to do this for the report."

"There isn't cameras around or anything. Since there isn't broken furniture and all, your father must've had a fall. Broke his neck or something."

"It's better off to just- to just bury him." There's silence and I look up into his eyes. Karley shifts in her seat and purses her lips into a thin line.

"Scarlet, I will help you as much as I can. I don't think you can afford to have a burial. You will have to probably cremate him." I try not to cry while holding in the bile in my throat. It's so tight, it hurts.

"Yeah okay, you're right."

"I'm sorry this happened. I'll let Karley take you home." I stood up and my legs felt like jello. Other officers and workers watched me leave the building, eyes on my back. I stared at the ground, trying not to let loose. I can't be vulnerable right now.


I know this is short but I wanted to cut it for a different setting in the next chapter.

Please enjoy my lovely butterflies.



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