Vampire Guardian: Chapter 42.

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Chapter 42.

I Walk The Line - Halsey

As Peter laid unconscious on the bed, his thoughts roamed around. He wish he was never a vampire. As much as he likes it sometimes, he didn't want to be one. He wish he never ended up in this situation. Being immobile and stuck with himself is dangerous.

Not only is he worrying about Scarlet, he is furious. He is furious at the Court. He wants to rip them apart. He wants to kill the Nest. He wants to end Roman.

Roman. His target.

He knows he can't kill him. The urge is scorching through his veins but no matter how close, there's a connection Roman controls. Peter should just give up and give himself to him. Last thing he wants to do but in order to keep the people he cares for, it's his final option.


Mississippi 1950

Peter snapped his eyes open and sat up from laying on the cold hard ground. His eyes dilated from the dark room and for now he saw nothing.

Slowly his eyes start to see the outlines of machines and objects around his surroundings. The room light turned on and he squinted from the brightness.

"Welcome back from the dead." He cranked his head to the side, seeing Roman, the vampire that drained him of his blood. Who also forced him to drink his.

"What did you do to me." Peter looked down at his drenched white shirt. It's covered in dried blood. He runs his fingers over his neck but felt no wound from Roman's fangs.

"Gave you life, that's what I did." Peter stood up from sitting on the dusty ground. They're in a warehouse, an abandoned automobile factory. Old non built Fords left and tools on tables and shelves.

"I don't know what bullshit you're saying but I'm leaving." Roman ran to him and placed his hand on his shoulder. Peter disgustingly shrugs it off.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Leave me alone." He pushed him away before he slowly headed to the old wooden door. Peter ran his hand over back of his neck, groaning in pain. His body felt different, felt alive. There's no sorrow of losing his wife and children.

Peter also felt exhausted, his body sore. He felt like he wanted to sleep.

"Peter I said to stay." The command was forceful and there was an odd pain in his guts saying that he should stay. Something in his head were saying to stay with his Maker.

He doesn't turn to Roman but clench his jaw together. The inside of his mouth is killing him. His stomach growled as if he hadn't eaten for days.

"I'm leaving."

"You won't be able to control it. The hunger. You need my help." Peter started to head towards the door and walked out of the warehouse.

He was greeted with a warm breeze that felt obscure against his bare skin. He looked around his surroundings and his view in the dark was so powerful. It was like he hadn't seen so well in the dark his whole life. Now he can identify the color of buildings and see from a mile away.

A group of men laugh at a bar but Peter walks by on the street. It's empty besides a car passing once in a while. When he turned the corner, he smashed into another body before grabbing the person.

"Oh I'm so sorry-" Peter stared at the young woman before realizing who it is. She cut her sentence and took a step back.

"Wendell..." He whispered thinking of his dead wife. Wendell was Delilah's closest friend.

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