Vampire Guardian: Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8.

The House Of The Rising Sun - The Animals

Peter and Collin quietly sat in the car. They watched the ocean in front of them, the currents softly hitting the shore. They were the only ones there because it was night time and they stayed in a private parking lot.

The windows were down so the smell of the ocean filled up their nostrils. Peter licks his lips and tastes the salt on his tongue. Collin kept his eyes closed and listened to the song playing from the old CD Peter had in. The music silenced the sound the of waves and the seagulls scavenging for food.

Peter let's out a sigh and runs his hand through his hair roughly. Collin peaks one eye open and gazes at him. For the past two hours of quietly sitting there, Peter would move roughly in his seat or make noises.

"You're doing it again." Collin starts and Peter slaps his hands along his thighs.

"I can't stop thinking about her." Peter admits, cranking his head to Collin. Collin leans forward and rubs his eyes from having them closed for so long. "I didn't want to leave from her house." He adds.

After hanging out with Scarlet for a couple of hours in her house he decided to leave when the sun was setting. She was tired and from getting hurt and staying the hospital he thought it'd be better for her to rest. However as he stood in the doorway he didn't want to exit. Her home was warm and cozy inside.

Different than what he thought it'd be. It was his first time inside her house after she invited him in. The only problem was her cat but that was it. Her whole house smelled like her and was bright like her, he wanted to stay in there and fantasize about Scarlet.

Peter picked Collin up and drove to the beach to tell him everything that happened.

"I didn't tell you but I tasted her blood." Peter mutters and Collin snaps his head towards him.

"You what?"

"You heard me. I couldn't help it, her blood was on me and I felt like I needed it." A smile curls on Collin's lips and Peter leans his head back on the seat. "It was amazing. All these years of only smelling her scent and blood just wasn't enough. When I tasted it, it was like fire. It burned my insides and fueled my cold body. It just -mh-"

"You thought of dirty things." Collin interrupts and Peter glares at him. Collin is trying to hold in a laugh and Peter rolls his eyes. "It's okay I'll let you daydream about Scarlet." He does a kissy face and Peter punches him on the arm.

"Shut up, dick. I-I feel the need to feed on her again b-but give her my blood so we can both feel the desire." Peter shifts in his seat, his thoughts on Scarlet. Her bright blue eyes gazing at him and making him feel different things. Good things for sure. He's never felt like this towards anybody. In years.

"You did feed her your blood to heal her skull, didn't you?"

"It wasn't enough though." Peter chuckles and turns to Collin. "She had the munchies though."

"Are you kidding me!"

"She ordered so much breakfast today I didn't know her body was able to hold it down. I thought she was going to throw up." Collin starts to crack up, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Why didn't you invite me! You know I like seeing shit like that."

"It wasn't an appropriate time to call friends over. Besides I don't think I'll go see her again." Collin stops laughing and turns his whole body to him. They stare at each other for a while before Peter gives him the 'what' look.

"You can't just end it like that! She'll go crazy if you just vanish."

"But if she finds out what I am or both of us-"

"-Peter can you shut up!" Collin reaches over and slaps him across the face. Peter snaps his head towards him, growling. "Don't get all cranky to me. If she finds out, she finds out boo-hoo. I highly doubt she will." Peter calms after biting his knuckle.

"She's so curious. She was asking so many questions and didn't believe anything. Well, I think she didn't believe anything." He looks out to the ocean, hearing the soothing sound of the waves crashing.

"Then keep on seeing her."

"But the Court."

"Fuck the Court! Fuck Dean Wellings! Fuck vampires! Where is the Peter that didn't give a shit about anything and did his own crap!?"

"I'm still here! I'm still the anger management vampire that kills people! Dean precisely said to me sixteen years ago that if she finds out that I'm a vampire there will be consequences." Collin laughs at Peter's dumb exclamation.

"You're done with being her guardian. You're just seeing her because you're interested in her. Your time is done with the Court. You're on your own now. The 'vampires can't tell humans what they are' saying is bullshit. There's so many humans that know about us but don't say a word. So many are in the Dens, you think all of them forget after drinking all that alcohol and our blood?"

"No." Collin has a point. Vampire blood is very addicting to humans if they take a lot of it. The slightest cause is the munchies just like Scarlet had. The addiction can get worst and humans will ache to get more blood or feel a burning sensation in their bodies.

"So? If she finds out, no biggie mate."

"You're right, I guess."

"I'm always right." Collin joked while giving Peter a light shove on the shoulder. Peter places his hands on the steering wheel and grips the leather tightly. Collin examines his face moods before smiling and shaking his head. "You're really attached to her, aren't you?" He starts and Peter thinks about it.

"Watching her grow up and become this extraordinary woman just grew on me. I can't resist." He starts the car and hears the old engine roar in the silent night. He backs out of the parking lot while Collin puts on his seatbelt. Collin always has a thing about safety although he's a vampire but Peter doesn't. He's always been careless about everything.

"At least we got some humanity unlike many vampires out there." Collin huffs out while the breeze of driving down the road hits them through the windows. "Hey wanna go feed?"


Hope you guys enjoyed the brotherly love between Peter and Collin. They're so cute together. Especially that they have different personalities too.

Old music is my thing. You're going to hear a lot of it. This is my mom's favorite song too.



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