Late Night Discussions

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It was getting late, Liam had fallen asleep on a nearby armchair, I could hear the humming of Harry's snore from beneath my feet, the television was still on although the volume was at a controlled level, not loud enough to wake anyone. Lou was nowhere to be seen, he must have gone to bed when I was sleeping, or so I thought. I rubbed my eyes, trying to refocus my vision in the darkness of the room; the only light was coming from the television.

I sat up slowly, as I was extremely tired still, trying my hardest to not knock any pillows on top of poor Harry as he slumbered. Footsteps I could hear getting louder as they become closer, I was almost scared for a moment before the friendly face of my lover came through the hallway, his shirt was unbuttoned, and his hair was a mess. When he was in front of me, I carefully removed myself from where I was sitting, followed him back to his bedroom and we climbed into his big warm bed.

"You're beautiful" he whispered playing with the palm of my hand with his fingers, we were laying together in the middle of the bed, our bodies touching, I could feel the warmth of his body against the coldness of mine. When he whispered, shivers shot down my spine, his breath tickled my neck, and his words warmed my heart.

He kissed my cheek, his lips soft like always, his freshly shaven chin, prickled against my smooth face. I wanted to remember this moment, and any others like it.

"It's going to be ok" I told him, looking up at his face, I could merely see the outline of him, as the darkness took away my vision. His arms around me, he brought me closer towards him.

"What is?" he sounded tired, or perhaps confused.

"When the baby comes, it will all be okay." I explained a little bit, entangling his fingers through mine, I brought his hand to my lips and kissed him gently.

"Of course it will" he assured me,

"I love you, I think I always will." I promised him, stroking the back of his hand with my fingers; he then kissed me on the top of my head, kissed me all the way down to my lips, I traced his, with the tip of my tongue, his mouth opened, and I let my tongue dance along with his, I've never felt so in love, I wanted to have him forever. Moments like these are never portrayed in my movies, I've never watched a simple scene like this and felt love. When our lips departed, he rested his forehead against mine, something we often did after a kiss we both enjoyed, which was plenty of times I tell you.

"What are we going to do?" I asked him, hoping he had an answer, something inside of me longed to know where I stood in his future.

"Move in with us" he moved away from me for a moment, he was thinking, I can tell this by the way he stopped everything, he no longer was rubbing my back, he was simply laying still.

"Here?"I asked him.

"Yeah, move in this weekend, we'll all help you with your things, I want you to move in with me Jay." We hadn't discussed the next step in a while; we'd always planned to move in together eventually, I had never pressed the subject before, never wanting to intrude on Harry. It made sense to move in together now that there was a baby on the way.

"Ok, I'll move in with you." A great big smile erupted on my face, he was excited and started kissing me all over, my face, my hands, my shoulder, my breasts, he hugged me really tightly and started rambling a list of things to organise. I really liked this side of him; it made me so happy knowing that I could bring him happiness like this so easily.

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