It's a Stand up :)

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"You have your tickets?" Harry asked us, we all nodded, he looked kind of upset, like he didn't want us to leave, right now we're sitting down at the airport, waiting for our flight to Sydney, Harry wanted to see us off, which was really sweet of him.

"We've got everything Harry, that's the third time you've asked since we've been sitting here" Louis pointed out; pulling Harry down to sit beside him, his hovering around us seemed to be bothering him.

"Sorry, just double checking" he quieted down, the four of us sat still for a little while, watching all the travellers with all their luggage, grabbing their boarding passes, and loading their bags up at the counters.

"Does anyone want food?" Tamy finally asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I'll go with you, what would you two like?" Louis offered, Harry and I told him our orders and the two off them rushed off, I watched them chat away, wondering what on earth they were happily chatting about this early in the morning for.

"It'll be good going home" Harry said to me, I nodded in agreement.

"You're going home for Christmas aren't you?" I asked him, unsure as to whether I had heard correctly when Lou filled me in on the Christmas plans.

"Yeah, I finally ordered my ticket, so you'd better not have the baby without me; I want to be there to meet him or her as soon as they've been cleaned up" he grinned, thinking about meeting his niece or nephew.

"I'll try my hardest, I'll even sit with my legs crossed" I teased him; his laugh rang in my ears. Harry was going to make the best uncle I could tell.


When our flight was announced, we all hugged Harry goodbye and made our way over to where we were going to board the plan, Lou watched Harry until he could no longer see him, and so I gave him a big kiss on the cheek, which made him smile a bit.

"So how long does this flight go for again?" Tamy asked us.

"Too long" I told her, as we made our way to our seats, we were located in a row of three; I was on the end in case I needed to use the bathroom, and Lou was sitting in the middle of Tamy and I, which I'm sure she'd love.

The flight started out really boring, I flicked through all the channels on the television screen in front of my seat, nothing caught my attention, so I just settled on some random TV show to watch, Tamy was asleep, and Lou was reading the paper, I had no idea he was so interested in the news, I chuckled to myself thinking about how absurd it was.

"What are you laughing about?" he asked me, confusion on his beautiful face.

"Nothing, go back to your paper" I tried my hardest not to giggle.

He soon excused himself to go to the bathroom, my lack of sleep was slowly catching up with me, I shut my tired eyes in a desperate attempt to sleep, when I hear the piercing sound of a microphone being switched on.

"Sorry to interrupt your flight everybody, but my name is Louis Tomlinson, and I'm on my way to visit my pregnant girlfriend's family, before our little one is born, she's sitting right over there" he pointed me out to the crowd, I was so embarrassed, yet I was curious as to what he was doing up there?

"Ok well I'm going to sing a song that means alot to me, and I'm sure it means alot to her too, I hope you guys like it." He whipped a guitar out from under a nearby chair. A nearby passenger held the mike for him so that he could sing.

"From the moment I met you, everything changed I knew I had to get you, whatever the pain, I had to take you and make you mine. I would walk through the desert; I would walk down the aisle I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile, whatever it takes is fine. So put your hands up, 'Cause it's a stand up
I won't be leaving 'til I finish stealing every piece of your heart, every piece of your heart" he sang directly at me, the crowd awed and ah'd and gave a slight cheer as he finished his song, he could see me smiling, and took the mike back up to his lips.

"Jay, you're my everything, we've had our struggles and our fights, but I know my life wouldn't be complete without you. You're having my baby, and I know that's not what you originally planned, to do this whole thing backwards, but I guess what I'm trying to say is Will you marry me?"

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