I love you Sissy

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"Mmmm, I don't want to tell you anymore, I'm too scared." He could hardly sit still, with the assistance of Harry I had cornered him into the living room, but he still wouldn't budge, his lips were sealed so to speak.

"Please tell me Lou" I pleaded, Harry laughed at my failed attempt to pry the answers from him.

"Maybe if the two of you would take a step back each, so I can breathe" he complained, grabbing onto his throat.

We took a step back, and stared at him.

"We're flying to Sydney to visit your family before you're not allowed to fly anymore, we can cancel the trip if you're not up for travelling, but I thought you might want to see them before the baby comes, I mean you haven't seen them in a long time and you won't be able to fly with a new born too long anyway, so I got us some seats on the same flight Tamy is taking back home" I squealed, oh yes Lila had been rubbing off on me, I can't believe he did this for me! All this time I had been worried that something bad was going to happen, with the sneaking out and that phone call, aw he's truly the sweetest guy ever! So I kissed him on his lips, to show him how happy he had just made me.

"So I get the house to myself for how long?" Harry asked a grin on his face because this meant he could be naked outside of his bedroom.

"A week, I know it's not that long, but it's still quite a bit of time, and we can still make it back here for your doctor's appointments, and that interview on the Ellen show." I had almost forgotten about the Ellen interview, I was so excited, I loved that show! I'd been on it a few times with Lila and some of the other cast members, but never alone, and never with Louis.


"I can't believe you did that for me" I hugged him that night in bed, he was nice and warm and I could feel his heart beating in his chest, I loved listening to his heart beat, it was a reminder that he was human, and not the perfect man I always claim him too be, he's not perfect, but he sure as hell is pretty close in my view.

"I love you Jay, I want to make you happy, I want to see your family, we'll my family now" I liked the sound of that.

"But what about your family, don't you want to see them too?" I asked him, suddenly upset; I didn't want to be unfair on his family, because they deserved to see him too.

"They are coming over for my birthday, I paid for their trip as well" if he wasn't extremely wealthy I would have probably gotten angry at him, not because I didn't want to see his family, but because he was tossing alot of money around lately.

"They get to have an American Christmas then" I pointed out.

"Their very first one, with us, next year I was hoping we could take the baby over to England, maybe we can go to Australia for Christmas, then England over new years?" that plan sounded amazing, I loved England, it's chilly, but I didn't mind, the whole damn place was beautiful, and was filled with millions of people who sounded just like Lou.

"I'm so glad I didn't lose you" he whispered, before drifting off to sleep, I listened to him snoring for a while, before I too went to dreamland.


Tamy took me shopping on her last day of America, she wanted to buy as many things she could, because Lou had paid for her to extend her luggage allowance, and she wanted to make sure she didn't come back empty handed.

"You are going to freak when you see how mature Zac is now, he's the total opposite of Justin when he was that age I tell you." I remembered back to when I was 17 and still living at home, I wanted to strangle Justin back then he was the most horrible little cry baby I'd ever met, he made our family insane with all his anger issues, luckily he later got some help, so my parent's lives are alot easier now.

"Is he still adorable?" I asked her, I hadn't seen much of him since I'd moved over here, only the occasional skype session, which usually took place after he was in bed.

"Yeh, he still has his baby face, kinda like Harry did when the band first came out" I giggled remembering Harry Styles in the first few years of him fame, if you looked at him now, you'd see a complete change, he was adorable back then, but somehow between then and now he'd turned hot, and I mean super hot.

"Look at these dresses! I have to have them" she squealed, it appeared Lila had rubbed off on her too. I paid for all the dresses she wanted, because although she did have a pretty well paying job, I still have more money than her, and even if I didn't I'd still buy her anything she wanted, to say thank-you for visiting me, so far since she's came, I took her to universal studios, I showed her where I had worked even though there was hardly anyone there right now, because filming was delayed. I took her to the best shopping malls, the Hollywood walk of fame, and a whole lot of other tourist attractions that I knew she was dying to see while she was here, even if she never admitted it.

"So tomorrow, we board onto that plane, and you take me back to the tiny country huh"

"Yeah, I wish you could stay longer, it's been amazing having you around, especially with all the drama's oh by the way we don't need to tell Mum and Dad about that do we?" I cringed at the thought of my parent's butting into my relationship.

"Secret's safe with me, until someone puts it on the internet" she smiled, making a joke about how my private life doesn't always stay that way.

"I think strangely enough I am going to miss it here" she continued, staring around the mall, watching people go about their everyday lives.

"It will miss you too" I joked, wrapping my arm around her.

"Maybe I'll come back someday, and I'll write you a movie or something"

"I'd actually love that alot" I told her with full honesty, I could feel my emotions building up inside me, I begged myself not to cry, I didn't want to embarrass her in public.

"Aw Jay, sweetie, don't cry I love you sissy" she hugged me the best she could, trying to move around my child, It was one of the best hugs I've had in a while.


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