Baby Baby Baby...Thought you'd always be mine.

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  • Didedikasikan kepada the People who don't hate me :)

When she was all cleaned up, they brought her back to me, they slowly handed me my peaceful little baby, so was so cold and still, but she was mine and I needed to hold her. Tears fell from my face onto hers, I wiped them from her face, it was almost as if I was wiping her eyes as if those were tears from her, but I knew they weren't and that's what hurt the most. Liam and Harry switched places, Harry was now comforting Lou, they were hugging without any signs of tears anymore, they were both still in shock. Liam came over to me then, his face was still red from crying, so I held the baby up beside my face, so he could see the resemblance which made his lips turn up into a sad smile.

"She looks like Lou." He told me, dragging a nearby seat over to sit beside me, he ran his fingers through his hair, something he did when he was upset.

"Yeah she does." I agreed sighing. I'd stopped crying and was concentrating on spending time with my baby for a little while.

"Can I have a hold?" he asked nervously, I nodded and handed her over to him carefully even though we couldn't kill her, I still viewed her as a human being someone who I had to protect.

"How do I look?" he asked, holding her in his arms, they looked perfect. Almost as perfect as how she would look in Lou's arms.

"You look like a dad." I smiled at him, he seemed to like this answer alot and turned to show Zayn and Niall.

"Lou." I called to him, and Harry let go of him slightly so he could turn to face me.

"Do you want to hold your daughter?" I asked him, his face looked horrid, his eyes were swollen and his entire face was red, but he nodded and held his hands out to Liam.

"She's beautiful" he whispered, it was the first time he'd spoken an actual sentence or at least half of one; since he found out she hadn't made it.

"She looks like you" Harry told him, stroking her hair with his fingers, yes she had hair and it was gorgeous.

Zayn took a photograph of Louis with the baby, and I knew that photo would be shared among only the six of us, it was our special reminder of this beautiful person we'd meet again one day, but until then we'd always have the photograph, Zayn came over to me and kissed my forehead, I gave him a big hug to let him know that it was all going to be okay eventually.

Baby Tommo (1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang