Let's Clear a Few things up.

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Liam organised the very first interview available for us to clear up that mess Ashley caused, we all sat in our interview lounge, I sat next to Zayn and Lou, and next to Lou were Liam, Niall and Harry. We tried to convince Lila to come but she didn't think it was a good idea for her to draw attention on the rumour.

"Thank you all for joining us tonight" Mary the host thanked us, as soon as we were on air.

"Now, we all know why you're here, so would you like to explain yourselves or what?" She smiled at us, but none of us wanted to go first.

"Zayn, you have a drinking problem?" she prompted Zayn to speak up.

"I drink responsibly, if ever I get the time off you know with this job we don't have much down time, and getting intoxicated is not really an option for any of us, I have no idea how that rumour started" he explained, and we all agreed.

"I do not drink, so I can vouch for him, I have never seen him abuse anybody while drunk, and in saying that it's true I'm pretty strict on them, we don't have much drinking time." Mary nodded, before moving onto her next victim.

"What about you Harry, two girls in one night, is there any truth in that?"

"I have a confession, you all think I'm some kind of ladies man, but I'm not, sure there are many female fans who like me but when it comes to dating I am really shy and tend to embarrass myself in front of them, sure Lila is gorgeous but we're only friends, and as for Jay's sister? Why would I snog family?" he grinned at me, his lie was pretty successful I must admit.

"I laid out the rules, no dating my sister I literally told him that, which is why I am shocked when I heard about it on the telly"

"That's true she was sitting there with her mouth hanging open" Liam stupidly answered.

"Which brings us to our next rumour, Liam can you honestly tell us all that you are not in love with Jay?"

"I swear on my life that I have no romantic or sexual feelings towards Jay" he said directly into the camera.

She kept asking us a whole heap of questions, about every single rumour that has ever been told about any of us, the interview felt like it was going on for hours, I just wanted to go home and hug my fiancé, and eat ice cream, and when the interview was over, none of the boys looked happy.

"I feel so violated" Niall said, as we made our way to the car.

"Why do I feel like a liar?" Harry asked nobody in particular.

"Worst interview ever" Zayn mumbled, taking the front passenger seat.

I had to agree with him there.

The car dropped the others off at their houses, and our apartment was the last stop. Harry, Lou and I ran the water in our spa bath and sat in there together eating our favourite ice cream and talking about everything that was going on in our lives, it felt great to finally be open about all my fears, I was scared about giving birth, scared about being a Mum, scared about being a wife and going back to work. Harry was scared of being single forever, scared about what's going to happen if the band broke up and scared that he'll have to move out when the baby comes. Then it came to Louis, he was scared of being a dad, scared of failure, and scared of losing me. Right then and there in that tub, I felt so connected to those two, like I could tell them everything, they're my boys and they always would be.

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