Oh Liam.

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I walked out into the waiting room, Lila was chatting to some of the other mothers about the show, I don't know why she always does that, always blabbing on to anyone who'll listen to her, I'm almost certain that the woman she was talking to doesn't care about how many views we got on our season finale.

"Lila, let's go now" I smiled at the woman, she looked grateful for the rescue, we went outside into the car park, the air was quite warm for autumn, but it always was warm here in California, at least compared to back home. I scanned the park to see where we'd parked Lila's car, but silly me, how could I forget? Her car is a flipping hot pink Ferrari convertible for goodness sakes.

"Did we really have to come here in this car Lila; I mean come on this definately draws attention." I looked at her, as i sat down in the passenger seat. She turned on the car before she responded to me,

"That's the point, I love this car, people stop and stare at it when I drive by" she said whilst reversing out of our parking space.

A One Direction song came on the radio, I turned it up we both sang along as loud as we could, those who were on the footpaths beside the roads got a good earful of our sing along but I didn't really care if they heard us, I was happy singing with my best friend, screw what anybody else thinks!

"I'm going to miss you when the boys are back, we don't get to see each other for ages because we aren't filming for ages and we no longer live together, I feel like we're drifting about Jay, jay." She pouted, which looked so darn cute.

"I know what you mean, but soon the baby will be here and we can spend some more girly time together, you're kind of like an aunt to this kid, and since my sister is in Australia, you'll be the closest thing to one anyway" her smile widened, she didn't have any siblings of her own, so this was the only way she would be an aunt before she got married, I was so glad that she was happy about this, it made me feel like I had made the right choice in making her an aunty.


I twisted the keys into the door, and opened our apartment; I was shocked when the door was fully open, because two of my favourite boys were sitting there in the living room. I ran over to Louis and gave him the most passionate kiss I have had in a long time, he kissed me back so hard, so passionate and with so much love that I could hardly breathe when we broke away from each other.

"I didn't sign up for porn" Harry joked.

"Come here you" I widened my arms out, so he got off of the lounge to give me a hug, the baby was kind of in the way but it was nice all the same.

"You grew" Lou pointed at my stomach.

"Did not" I wailed, covering myself with my hands Lila came and sat next to Harry, while I sat down next to Louis.

"What are you guys doing back so early?" Lila asked them suspiciously, she had a point though, as we weren't expecting them back for about another 4 or 5 days.

"You seriously don't watch the news do you?" Harry asked me, he was having a go at me, so I gave him a nasty glare, that only made him chuckle.

"No" I answered in a huff.

"Liam's lost his voice, some sort of throat infection, he can't talk or perform for two weeks" Louis filled us in on what had happened on tour. Liam had just began singing 'One Thing' from their very first album, when right in the second line, his voice completely broke down, no sound was coming out and the audience went wild, Hollywood bloggers were suggesting that he lip synced, but those rumours quickly died down after their interview on a popular television program confirmed that he had difficulty even speaking.

"He's on bed rest for the remainder of the week, Niall's moved in with him until he's better" Harry continued on from Louis' story.

"That's terrible, I should call him later" they all looked at me like I was stupid, then it hit me....he can't talk on the phone without a voice.

"I'll skype him then, he can just type his responses, I want to see he's okay.

Louis hugged me closer to him, and it felt so good to have him home, even though it was all because of poor Liam.


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