dreams and wall conversations.

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"So, we're going to do some recording today so unless you'd like to come with us, I'm sorry for waking you" Lou said to me, as he dried off from his shower, I'd woken up to the sound of his carefully put footsteps.

"I think I'll stay in bed" I confirmed, rolling over, and covering my face with my pillows.

He chuckled, and started dressing himself.

He'd woken me from a great dream; I was a Mum, living in a big mansion with all the One Direction boys.

"Mama" the twins I had in my dream called to me.

"Yeah baby" I asked them.

"Where's Daddy?" The female twin asked.

"I don't know why don't you go and find him?" I asked them both, their cute little faces lit up with great big golden smiles. They started to run in search for Lou.

"Dad!" they yelled excitedly.

"There's my favorite kids" I heard Lou talking from down the hall; he walked into the room where I was in, with a twin on either side of him.

Harry and Liam walked in then, followed by Zayn and Niall, clapping erupted, as if my dream was a sitcom with a live audience.

"Who wants to hear a song?" Liam asked everyone.

"Me, me, me!" the twins both yelled.

"You're insecure, don't know what for" Liam began to sing what makes you beautiful, the twins and I started to sing along, and the cheering and applauding got louder.

That's when I woke up.

I couldn't get back to sleep after Lou and Harry had left, so I got up to make some breakfast.

"Are you Hungry my beautiful baby" I asked my stomach, which was really strange for me, talking to someone who can't reply.

I made myself some toast, and logged onto facebook.

A whole heap of messages from my old friends were sent into my inbox, and written on my wall.

'Can't believe you came to Sydney and didn't come to see me!' one of the girls from my class commented.

'Congratz on the engagement!' one of my old teachers wrote.

'Your ring is beautiful! And suits you, hope everything is well with the baby, we love you' came from my aunty.

And one message that stood out for me was one from Jelena, I hadn't spoken to or seen her since gradation, I wasn't even aware that we were still facebook friends.

'You snagged an Englishman, we always said we could do it, you lucky thing! and a baby on the way too it's what you always wanted, and now it's coming true, thinking of you xxx'

What the actual hell?

I noticed Tamy was online, what time was it in Australia? Oh who cares I was always terrible with maths, and can't be bothered working it out.

Me: hey tammmmy tam.

T: hey how's everything going with the whole Ashley thing???

I had filled her in with everything that had happened, and of course she had been furious like the rest of us

Me: It's died down, you know Hollywood, as soon as a new scandal comes out, yesterdays news if forgotten.

T: lucky

Me: did you see what Jelena wrote on my wall?

T: No, I'll check it out now.


Me: I can't tell, what should I say?

T: nothing! Don't give her the time of day, how dare she come back all cheery after all she did to you.

Me: I know right


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