Epilogue...however you spell it.

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Louis' Point of View:

We held a memorial/funeral for our daughter; we named her Keeley, Keeley-Rose. The memorial was televised because after the news spread about her not making it the fans started sending us so many letters and presents and making support blogs online we had to thank them in some way. 10 fans had the opportunity to attend the ceremony as well as our friends. Our Families couldn’t make it on time, but I knew Jay was a little relieved about that, deep down I knew she wasn’t ready to face them. It took me a while to get over having her taken away from me, I grew to love my baby girl and for some unfair reason she didn’t make it. Jay blamed herself she kept crying late at night and saying to me “My own daughter hated me so much she didn’t want to meet me.” All I could do was hug her, and hold her tiny little fragile body in my arms and let her cry the pain away.

About two months later the phone call came, I didn’t realise it was that call so I let Jay go and answer the telephone.

“Hello?” I heard here say into the receiver; Harry and I didn’t think anything of it. We were watching some comedy on the telly when Jay started squawking in the kitchen.

“What the hell?” Harry asked me confused, I shrugged my shoulders but we both ran into the kitchen.

She turned around to face us with the hugest smile on her face, I had never seen such a smile it was bloody brilliant.

“Louis Tomlinson you cheeky bastard.” She whacked me across my crossed arms, and gave Harry a big cuddle.

“Who are you marrying again?” I asked her, being my usual smart assed self.

“Guess who’s playing Sandy in the remake of Grease?” her adorable smile lit up the whole room, I knew she’d get the part, it was Liam’s idea to send in her audition tape, I made a mental note to thank him later.

“I knew you’d get it” I picked her up and spun her around, It took a while for me to get used to her having a skinny tummy, but I was definately loving it now.

“I can’t even sing though, why’d they pick me?” she asked and Harry started to laugh. Bloody Curly, doesn’t know when to shut his gob. I’d have to explain what I did now!

“Um well Liam and I sent in a tape of you singing.” I told her slowly backing away, she was feisty when mad and I didn’t want to risk her getting violent, Harry should be the one to cop a slapping this time.

“You what!” she shrieked at me, while Hazza just kept on laughing, I ran backwards out of the kitchen trying to find something to shield myself with.

“Harry help me!” I called to him as she quickly caught up.

“When did I sing?” She demanded, taking away the hair that covered her eyes.

“You sing all the time, but um we recorded you singing ‘What makes you beautiful’ and sent that in with your audition tape.” I told her as quickly as I could, luckily for me her face softened.

“I can’t really stay mad at you, considering they didn’t complain about my vocals, and I got the part” she screamed the last part to my discomfort.

“I love you.” I whispered taking my beautiful girl in my arms; she looked into my eyes and took one last breath before I kissed her.

“Get a room.” Liam yelled at us, as him and the rest of the band took over our living room, hand in hand Jay and I went over to sit on the lounge in between Harry and Liam.

“Do I get to join the band now?” Jay asked Liam, who looked around the room staring at each of our individual faces.

“Only if you promise to do all our laundry on tour.” He answered her in all seriousness.

Niall being Niall started giggling, got to love that kid don’t ya?

“I’ll have to think about it Liam, just wait and see if my Grease soundtrack gets higher than your little boy band CD on the charts this year, then we can talk about it.” She shot back at him very quickly; she’d always been great with comebacks.

We all started talking about whether or not she'd be able to beat us on the charts, Zayn thought she'd sell the music because she's an attractive girl, but Harry pointed out that she didn't have the teenage girls like we did.

"I'll just have to do a nude cover." She joked, causing me to choke on my gum.

I started jigged my knees up and down, bouncing her as she was on my lap and I wanted annoy her after that nude comment. It worked like a charm, she got off of my lap and sat onto Harry’s instead, I knew she only did that to annoy me, but it didn’t help the way he was looking at her.

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