The Morning After

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I sat by myself in the kitchen of the boy's apartment, it was almost noon and they were still sleeping, recovering from the night before. The ticking clock was ringing through my ears. I couldn't wait for the boys to wake up; it's strangely boring without the constant noise of their boyish banter interrupting my every thought.

Soon i could hear footsteps from somewhere up the hall, a tired looking Harry walked straight into the kitchen where i was sitting, and yawned.

"I feel like hell" he told me, before opening the fridge to find something to drink.

"You look like hell" I joked, even though he didn't look his usual cheery self, he was a long way from looking hell-ish.

"What happened last night?" he asked, rubbing his tired green eyes.

"You don't really want to know" I avoided eye contact with him.

"I didn't shag your boyfriend did I?" shock filled his face.

"No course not" i couldn't help but laugh at that assumption, and the rush of relief flooded his pretty face.

"What did I do then?" his eyes stared up at me, sipping on his glass of water.

"Well for starters you up chucked on my new shoes."

"I'm so sorry" he apologised and I knew he meant it.

"It's fine, what's one ruined pair of shoes between friends?"

"I'll buy you a new pair."

"No, it's fine Harry."

"No i insist." He said before sniffing his t-shirt, a look of disgust formed on his face. "I smell horrible, I'd better go and shower." He skipped down the hallway, back into his room.

I cleaned up the kitchen, and made my way back to Lou's room, he was sitting up on his bed, just like Harry he looked completely knackered.

"Good morning." I said cheerfully, laughing at him as he scrunched up his face.

"Why are you so happy?" he groaned, I climbed into bed beside him, and rested my head against his bare chest.

"How's your head?" I asked him, stroking his belly with my fingers.

"It's been better" he kissed the top of my head, and rested his arm along my back, we lay there for a while, without talking until he told me he wanted to have a shower, he slowly rolled out of bed, leaving me sitting there alone, I spread my body out like I was creating a snow angel. Lou came back into his bedroom and picked me up.

"What are you doing?" I giggled, not understanding what his intention was.

"Shower with me?" he asked me with a wickedly cheeking grin, he took me into his bathroom and locked the door, and started to undress me.

"I love you" I told him and we stepped into the steaming hot shower together

Harry was sitting down in the lounge room when we made an appearance again.

"Didn't hear any singing this time, Boo, what were you two doing in there?" Harry winked at me, my face started to heat up. I know he obviously knows what we get up to, I have an unborn child to prove it, but it always made me embarrassed every time he mentioned it.

"I could ask you the same thing, but the difference is I had a woman in there with me" Lou teased Harry which quickly shut him up.

"Aww Harry" I gave him a sympathetic look, but he refused to look at me

The doorbell rang, and Harry went to answer it.

The rest of the band walked in the door, they all looked pretty beat, Liam looked me in the eye, his eyes looked sad, which wasn't like him.

"Great party last night" Zayn hugged me.

"Yeah it was brilliant" Niall added, helping himself to food in the fridge.

"Thank you so much for coming" I said to all of them.

"What are you lot doing here anyway?" Lou asked them rudely, Zayn threw a pillow at his head, and Niall jumped on top of him.

Liam suddenly stood beside me, and rested his arm on my shoulder, "We're here to help you move in" he told me, finally giving me one of those gorgeous smiles he's famous for.

Zayn and Niall jumped off of Lou, and headed to the door, we didn't all fit into Zayn's car so Liam, Lou decided they would walk together, I thought they were probably going to race there to see who was the fastest.

I was mistaken, they took forever to meet us at the apartment, Zayn had already loaded up his car with some of my belongings, and Niall went back to the boys place with him to drop a load off, Harry and I were alone in my half empty apartment.

"So you're okay with me moving in and everything?" I asked him, we were sitting by the door, with our legs crossed, the way preschoolers sit during story time.

"Yeah, it's about time, I honestly expected you to move in long ago." He admitted to me, swiping a stray curl away from him face.

"Well I think he wanted to do the whole baby thing right or whatever" I looked away, i didn't want him to know that it hurt, I'm only moving in because of the baby right? He wouldn't have asked me otherwise! I thought to myself.

"Well yeah, but he would have asked you to move in soon anyway." He tried to convince me; obviously my acting skills weren't a match for my feelings this time.

"I guess we'll never know." I jumped up and started playing with some nearby boxes, repacking them for no reason besides needing a distraction.

Louis and Liam walked in the door, as it was still open.

"Look babe, a magazine spread about last night" Lou hugged me from behind, handing me the magazine, and went back over to Liam to tell him something.

I sat down on the lounge flipped through the magazine pages. There was a double page spread dedicated to last night's event. A Great big photo of me and Lou was the focus of the piece, along with the photo of our kiss. A couple shots of Harry dancing with Lila made it in as well.

"Haz! You're dance moves made it into the magazines" I yelled at him, holding up the article for him to see, he got off of his spot on the ground to come over and sneak a look at himself, just as he was peaking over my shoulder I spotted something that made me angry.

"That cow!" I exclaimed, causing Liam to jump.

"Who's a cow?" Lou asked rushing over to me to look at what had upset me.

"Ashley, look read this" I shoved it at him, and started walking around the room to calm myself down.

"Zayn Malik's new date sure brought attention to herself, wearing a red dress to the black and white party, when asked why she wore such a thing she told reporters 'If Jay had told me this was a black and white party I could have saved myself alot of embarrassment'. " Louis read aloud, Liam gasped, and Harry had a blank look on his face.

"We were all there when you told her" Liam said trying to make sense of it all.

"My question is why did Zayn just stand there when she said all of that to the press?" Harry asked, and I admit that's something I'd like to know also.

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