The photo shoot part 1.

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The car had stopped moving because we had arrived at our destination, the driver came around to open the doors for us, Liam was still sleeping on my shoulder, Harry was resting his head against the far window, the boys in the back were both asleep and Zayn was snoring, when I opened my eyes.

"Liam, wake up" I shoved his heavy head off of my shoulder, startled he jumped back to life, confused and unable to register where we were, he left the car to look around.

I followed him outside, this place was amazing, the photo shoot was taken place at one of the most beautiful parks I had ever seen, the weather was warm, and there wasn't a rain cloud in sight.

Harry grumpily plunked out of the car and stood beside me, awe was on my face, his arm made its way around my shoulder as he too admired the view. The others soon joined us, Lou had his arms around Liam from behind, he was trying to sleep standing up, as he rested his head on Liam's back.

"Hello guys, welcome to the shoot, so glad you could make it. I'm Tara" a nice red haired woman greeted the band; her smile made my head hurt it was that white and bright.

"No worries" Liam held his hand out to greet her, Lou protested as his pillow was moving.

"This way to hair and makeup" she led us all down the stairs into the makeup tent, a couple of hair and makeup stylists each took one of the boys to make them look amazing. Tara made her way over to me and stood directly beside me.

"You look tired" she noted, looking me up and down, I felt so violated with her looking at me like that, sure I'm used to being watched everywhere I go, but ever since I've grown a tummy I haven't felt comfortable with it.

"Harry woke me up early" I said to her cheerfully, not wanting her to know that I was upset by her comment.

"It's really great of you to come and support the boys like this" she laid her hand on my shoulder in a sincere way.

"They're my boys" I smiled a grand smile, I was so proud of the band, how far they've come, I love them.

"Here's my card" she searched inside her handbag looking for a card of some sort.

"Why don't we organise a shoot for you and Lou one time" she asked me handing over her business card.

"I'll talk to him about it"

A photo shoot with Lou sounded amazing, I'd never had one with just the two of us before, so many different ideas rushed through my mind, until a horrid thought caused me to remember my condition, I'm pregnant, getting fatter by the minute, I can't go in front of a camera!

"That sounds fantastic" she left me standing there to freak out on my own. The boys were now having their hair done, I took an empty seat and sat down next to Lou as he was chatting away to the very beautiful hair stylist, pangs of jealousy stabbed my heart.

"Hey guys" I said glaring up at that woman.

"Hey beautiful, I was just telling Stephanie about the ultrasound" he looked really happy, which calmed me down a smidgen.

"He's so excited about this baby, it's so adorable" she told me, finishing up with his hair.

"How do I look babe?" he asked me, inspecting himself in the mirror in front of him, His messy hair was brushed to the side in a messy side fringe, his blue eyes looked like the sky, his skin was golden and he looked so gorgeous as he spoke, I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, because I was too busy staring at his beauty.

Next we strut over to the clothing trailer, five sections of different outfits specifically chosen to fit each boy's unique style, when they were all dressed, a tear escaped my eye, it dripped down my face, slipping down from my chin. They just looked so great; I couldn't help being flooded by my emotions.

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