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Lila came over after breakfast with a whole heap of gifts for us, she gave me a whole heap of baby things as well as perfumes and fancy chocolates as well as a whole heap of new clothes to show off when I got my old body back.

“Thank you so much Lila” I hugged her tightly and she kissed both of my cheeks, she’d always been a bit like that, very posh and polite, I’d never really been into kissing females cheeks.

She gave Harry a couple of records from his favourite bands he liked as a kid.” He probably thought she’d thought long and hard about this thoughtful gift, by I knew that she had her own personal shopper, and he most definately researched Harry Styles online to come up with this oh-so-perfect gift idea.

“Thanks Lila.” He awkwardly kissed her on the cheek, probably unsure on where he stood with her, as far as I knew they were only friends with benefits, and she most likely only brought him a present because he lived here.

Lastly Lila gave Louis a new tie that had the words ‘World’s best dad’ written all over it in several different languages, it was one of those things that you’d probably never wear, and would most likely be used as a keepsake, but Lou being the comedian that he was, decided he’d wear the darn thing all day.

When a knock at the door interrupted our gift exchange Harry went to answer the door. In walked Lou’s family holding a few gifts, we told them not to buy us anything and that Lou would buy the girls their gifts over here to save them from having to travel with everything, so most of their gifts were already in our house.

“Hello, I don’t think I’ve met you.” Lou’s mum said to Lila before adding. “You’re on Jay’s show aren’t you?”

“Yeah that’s me, Co-star, best friend and the girl who Harry is sleeping with.” Lila smiled hugely, and it did not even enter her mind that what she said should not have been broadcasted in front of a family. The two older girls started to giggle, and Lou’s Mum’s face was still kinda in shock. Harry had swallowed his drink down the wrong pipe; Lou had to hit him on the back to stop him from choking.

“Nice to meet you Lila.” Lila just smiled and shook her hand before saying goodbye to everyone, she didn’t even kiss Harry goodbye, which I don’t think he knew how to handle.

“Presents everyone?” I asked them all, and would you believe it if I told you who looked the most excited? I’ll give you a clue. It was not the twins.

“Where’d you get this?” Lou looked up at his mother who had this tie in her hand, while it was still attached to his neck.

“Lila gave it to me this morning, I just had to wear it, isn’t it fabulous?” he put on his best impression of a gay fashion expert.

“It’s definately going to be true.” She pointed out chuckling to herself.

“It will be.” I agreed, leaning over to give him a quick kiss.

“Ewwwww” Harry immaturely turned up his nose to our affections.

The girls all laughed at him, and started to unwrap all of their presents.

Harry bought them all their favourite movies, all signed copies of course, Louis got them all $1000 gift cards, and I bought them all new dresses to wear whenever they wanted. They all loved their gifts and didn’t care that their Mother did not approve on how much we’d all spent on them.

“Mum, you know we all have Millions of dollars right?” Lou foolishly asked her.

“Yeah Louis I know you do, but you don’t have to spoil them so much!”

“It’s Christmas Mum.” He sighed, knowing he wouldn’t win an argument with his mother.

Harry bought me a really nice necklace, and I bought him some expensive new shoes which he seemed to like.

Lou’s Mum gave me the matching T-shirts she had bought Lou for his birthday as well as one for the baby, we were going to be such a cute little family!

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