Day's without him

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I spent the next few days over at Liam's place, avoided all calls from Lou, I still didn't know what to say to him, he hurt me, he should have called me, then I would have gone to bed, and Liam would have been at his place, and none of this would of happened if he had just called me.

Nothing violent happened, it's not like he hit me or anything, but he was irresponsible, and he did say some things that I'm still confused about, why did he say Liam was jealous? He's my best friend, and nothing more, it hurt me knowing how Lou actually feels about our friendship, he'd never told me that he felt like that, we're meant to be partners, we're meant to be a team, so why would he keep something like that from me?

"Food" Niall called, from the kitchen, he had been in charge of feeding Liam and I for the days that I've been staying here, like always I had been hungry a lot, he was looking after me well.

"It smells amazing" I told him, sitting myself down at Liam's kitchen table; Liam walked in not long after me, and sat down beside me. Niall filled our plates with all the things we needed to make our hot dogs, I breathed in the aroma of the food, it just made me want it more, I shoved as many fillings into my bread roll as I could manage before taking the biggest bite that I could manage, the two boys stared at me.

"What? I'm eating for two remember?" they both smiled before taking their own equally as big bites of their lunch.

"Thanks Niall" Liam said to his friend, we both stared at him, shocked that he had spoken.

"What?" he asked, making himself another hot dog.

"Naughty boy, you aren't meant to talk yet" I shook a finger at him, but I was smiling all the same.

"It's a day early, no biggie" he shrugged, biting into his food.


Niall went out to go to buy new food, because he and I had eaten all the food that was already in Liam's house, and since Niall was going back to his place tonight he wanted to pay it back to him.

I was sitting next to Liam on the longue in his media room, we had started watching the latest Cameron Diaz film, when there was a knock on the front door, Liam groaned, as he took his arm from around me, and made his way to answer the door.

I paused the movie, and tried to listen to find out who was at the front door, I almost fell off the chair, trying to listen in, I could hear voices murmuring, but I couldn't quite make out the words they were saying.

"Let me in Payne" A woman's voice rang louder than the rest of the conversation, footsteps became louder, and Lila walked into the room I was sitting in.

"Hey, Jay can I talk to you?" she asked, coming in the doorway, I nodded and gestured to the spot next to me for her to sit down.

"What's up?" I asked her, she probably wanted to explain to me what happened with her and Harry.

"What you saw the other night, was a mistake, I'd just been dumped, by someone I thought I was going to be with forever, and I came looking for you my best friend, I wanted to talk to you, and when you weren't there, I was going to leave, and call you when you came home, but Harry told me you weren't going to be long, so I came inside waiting for you, he offered me a hot drink, which I thought was nice of him and he noticed I'd been crying, and asked why, so I poured my heart out to him, I told him everything, he comforted me, but I was the one who misinterpreted, I kissed him, Jay you have to believe me" she was almost crying, I could tell she'd been worried about this for a while, so I hugged her, she hugged me back.

"I believe you" I told her, and I did believe her, just as I believed Harry when he told me the same thing.

"Why are you still here?" she asked me, talking about my living arrangements.

"I just can't go back yet, I can't face him after that night" I explained to her my side of what happened, she nodded as she took in every word I was saying.

"I know he's an idiot, but he's a sorry idiot, I went there looking for you before and Harry told me where you were, Lou hasn't left his room since Liam brought you here, maybe you should talk to him.

"Maybe, just not today" I whispered, I wasn't crying but I sure didn't exactly feel like smiling.


Niall had left us some tacos to eat for dinner, he had moved back into his own house, so it was just me and Liam at the house.

"Talking is great" he told me, eating his dinner, I smiled at him, he was so much happier being able to talk now, it was great to watch I love it when he's happy, it warms my heart up.

"Yes it is, you're not going to shut up for the rest of night hey" I knew he was going to talk non-stop all night, I couldn't really blame him.

"This is really good food, I think I'm going to do a twitcam tonight, do you want to guest star?" he asked me with a mouthful of food.

"We'll see" I told him, I didn't really want to partake in a twitcam, too many questions will be asked, why are you with Liam? Where's Lou? Etc. The fans of course were uninformed about the personal problems in my life right now, for all they knew, Lou and I were on baby cloud 9, getting excited for the arrival of our baby, and nothing else mattered.

"Liam, quick, the baby it's kicking" I pulled his hand over to my stomach, his eyes lit up, with excitement, this was the first time that the kicking was this noticeable, we both laughed in disbelief, this experience was so amazing, I've never felt anything like this in my life.

"That's the coolest thing ever, between me and you, I think this kid will beat Lou in a fight" he winked, the mention of Lou's name startled me, I really miss him, and it is his baby, he should be here too.


Baby Tommo (1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon