Celebration Dinner

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I hopped off the plane in L.A.X Miley Cyrus style, it reminded me I had to call her when i got home.

"What are you thinking about babe" Lou asked, cupping my face with his hands, before kissing me softly.

"I miss them" I whispered, and he understood, the goodbyes were very emotional


As soon as we got to Sydney airport, Mum started to cry, all my siblings and my Dad looked rather embarrassed but I didn't care, I just wanted to hug my mummy!

"I'm going to miss you all so much" I cried, hugging each of them.

Bailey had one single tear in her eye as I hugged her, Zac gave me a great big bear hug before messing up my hair and when I came to hug Justin he actually hugged me back! Tamy gave me a hug before kissing my belly, Lou was shaking the hands of my brothers, and kissing the cheeks of my sisters as I finished hugging them.

Dad and I shared a quick hug, and he pecked me on the cheek, I hugged mum for the longest, because she wouldn't let go of me.

"Send us photos of the baby" they all called to me, as Lou and I entered the security check, where they weren't allowed to follow, I waved my finally wave before heading towards the plane.


I spotted Harry's cheeky smirk from across the room, beside him was Zayn's pout, Niall's shy smile and Liam's emotional grin. The Four of them ran over to us like something that would happen in a movie, Harry tackled Lou to the floor and started to tickle him, punishment for not warning him about the engagement.

"You're almost a married woman now" Liam awkwardly hugged me, I think he was still uneasy about the whole stealing me from Lou scene from the other week, but I didn't really care I was so happy to see them all.

I gave Niall a great big kiss on the cheek, he blushed so badly he started to look like a tomato, I think I saw Lou glare at him, but I may have just imagined that.

Zayn gave me a great big hug when I came to him.

"Welcome back" he smiled, before kissing the top of my head.

"I missed all of you" I gushed, before Harry came to hug me to death, he kissed me all over my face, while rubbing it into Lou, who was not very impressed.

"Alright, you've made your point, I won't keep anything from you again Harry" he seemed satisfied with that and let go of me, the two of them held hands all the way out to the car, leaving Liam and Zayn to carry our luggage, Niall and I linked arms and followed them. A few cameras spotted us but nobody else seemed worried so I just shrugged it off.


"Celebratory dinner" Zayn shouted, opening a bottle of some expensive alcohol, what the hell did I care what it was, I couldn't have any now could I? We were all in the kitchen, sitting around the table.

I was so tired from the flight, but Louis seemed fine so I didn't want to be a party pooper. Harry and Louis soon disappeared which wasn't unusual.

"Where's Ashley?" I asked Zayn, he looked upset at the mention of her name

"She's dropped him" Niall answer for him, Liam whacked him on the back of the head.

"What the hell Liam, its true isn't it?" Zayn nodded, but Liam still glared at Niall.

"What happened?" I asked him, he didn't respond straight away.

"I'll tell you about it later, but right now we are celebrating" he smiled again, pouring his mates some drink.

Harry and Louis came in with pizza and started to eat it right in front of everyone else, we all stared at them.

"What are you lot looking at?"Harry asked.

"You wanted pizza? Oh you should have said something, we would have ordered you some" Lou said in all seriousness, before winking and passing the box over.

"What a tosser" Liam muttered under his breath only loud enough for me to hear obviously he hadn't forgiven him for accusing him of stealing me.

Niall and Zayn wanted to watch the football match on television, so all the lads went to sitting in the lounge.

I followed along and sat in between Zayn and Harry.

I never had a taste for football but there was nothing else to do.

I went back into the kitchen to get myself a drink of ice tea, when the boys started to call out my name.

"What the hell?" I yelled at them, Harry raced into the kitchen

"You're going to want to see this" he did not look happy.

I went as fast as I could back to where I was previously sitting, Zayn looked absolutely horrified.

On the screen was the stupid ugly face of that cow Ashley.

"Rewind it Niall" Liam instructed him, and he did as he was told.

"Do you want to know the truth about the boys from One Direction? They always seem so perfect on telly, and in the magazines don't they? Well I'm here to uncover the truth about your favourite international pop group and their stuck up friends"

My mouth gaped open, and Zayn wrapped his arm around me, this was only the beginning of what was going to be a horrid TV special


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