They don't pay you enough!

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"What the hell?" I repeated to nobody in particular, Lou looked at me, with a worried look on his face he knows all about my temper.

"Babe, don't even worry" he said in an attempt to calm me.

I looked out into a sea of black and white; she stood out like a sore thumb, I couldn't believe she would do that? Even though she was only making herself look a fool and not me, I was still extremely irked by the nerve she had, after all I had four witnesses to me telling her what color to wear.

"Why didn't Zayn say anything?" Niall asked we all just shrugged; Lila was looking confused as ever, which wasn't abnormal for her.

My heart began to pound fiercely when Zayn spotted us all from across the room; he started toward us, his girlfriend in tow.

"Vassup?" He asked, embracing us each individually in a warm bear hug.

Ashley smiled sweetly at us from behind him.

"You look great" she told me, with that sickly sweet smile of hers, being the great actor that I am, I matched that very smile, telling her i was glad she came, and how much I loved her dress.

"You don't get paid enough at that job of yours" Lou whispered to me, once the loving couple was out of ear shot.

"My boss is over there, why don't you take that up with him?" I whispered back, only half joking.

He slipped his warm hand into mine, as we walked into where the function was being held.

Lila swept Harry off somewhere, probably to introduce him to all her new friends, which I knew he would love, Liam still hadn't talked to me the entire time nor had he looked at me directly. I didn't get why it was such a big deal to him? We're friends aren't we? I mean Harry and Lou do that all the time! What's the big deal?

After the sit down part of the program was finished, the meals, and drinks began, Zayn and Ashley sat on the other side of the hall, but they only had eyes for each other so it wasn't a terrible loss for us all anyway. Niall and Liam had found some chicks they thought were attractive and decided they were more interesting than me, the star of the show, i wasn't actually worried, but I knew i was going to guilt them about it later, just for the fun of it.

Lou and I sat with Harry and Lila along with some of the other cast members, those who were actually allowed to drink were making the most of the free alcohol, while i just sat there eating and eating some more.

I lost count on how many the boys actually consumed, but trust me it was alot. I had to literally drag them out of there when it was all over, I felt like I was a mother already!

"I don't wanna go home!" Louis practically yelled at me, as I shoved him into the Limo, Harry escaped when I was distracted by keeping Lou inside of the car.

"Stay here." I commanded him, as if he was a dog, and I raced after his best mate.

"Harry, come here babe." I tried to bribe him with the leftover chocolates I swiped into my handbag.

"Can I have one of those?" he asked me, eying off my candy, I nodded but kept walking backwards towards the car, trying to get him close enough so i could get him home in one piece.

"Yes Harry but you're going to have to share some with Lou, can you do that?" he nodded and jumped in practically sitting on top of Louis as he did.

"If this is what having kids are like...then I'm not sure if I'm ready." I spoke my thoughts aloud, to whoever was listening.

"But you have to be ready Jay you're a mummy" Harry answered me; I was completely unaware that he was even listening to me.

"And Boobear is the daddy, and that makes me the uncle."

"Yeah, you're the uncle Haz." I told him, admiring my Lou who was resting on Harry's shoulder.

[a/n] Sorry it's short I'm just going through some personal problems, but I hope you are enjoying this story so far, tell me your thoughts! Xoxox

Love you!

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