Moments with my favourite boys

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"Honey I'm home" Lou shouted as he rustled the keys in the door, when the door was fully opened, the pair of us walked in, he still wouldn't let me peak at his purchases " or should I say freebees?

Harry was spread out on the lounge watching Bones his eyes engaged on the screen as he watched the forensic drama. He didn't look up, not even when we flashed the fresh donuts underneath his nose. Not until the add break did he even acknowledge our presence.

"Which knickers did you choose" he questioned Lou naughtily, that cheeky grin spread along his rose coloured lips.

"You told him, what you bought and didn't consider even showing me?" I whacked Louis on the side of his muscular arm; he mockingly pretended that I had hurt him.

"I needed his advice" he suggested, a guilty look arose in his blue eyes.

"Likely story" I huffed, crossing my arms against my chest, I flopped down beside Harry, leaned against his chest and devoured my chocolate donut.

Lou just chuckled, and walked along the hall all the way to our bedroom, and when he returned he no longer held the shopping bags, in his hands were a black and white photograph.

"Do you want to see who you'll be uncle-ing? " Lou asked his best friend quietly, I detected nervousness in his tone of voice, and his face confirmed my suspicion of nerves.

"Let's take a look at this kid" Harry reached up to grab onto the ultrasound still.

I watched his face change as his eyes scanned the photo, I couldn't quite put my finger on what emotion had taken over his expression, but I know it was something good, the corners of his lips were up turning, his eyes wide with admiration, he sat there with this grin planted on his face and he turned towards me.

"Fortunately it takes after your side of the family" he joked as he carefully wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug.

Louis seemed happy by Harry's reaction.

"I'm gunna be an uncle" Harry yelled to the world, I started to giggle, and Lou just shook his head in that proud way of his.


A loud voice awakened me, I was still lying atop of Lou's chest in bed, I struggled to open my eyes, but when I did I saw the outline of one very curly haired boy.

"Why?" I asked confused as to why he was here at....I spotted the time...5am? I haven't woken up this early since filming ended.

"What the F..." Lou stopped just before he cursed; he knows how much I dislike swearing.

"Liam is sending a car around in ten minutes, we're going to be late" Harry informed us, leaving us to get ready.

"Where are you going?" I moaned.

"I have no bloody clue" he jumped out of bed and stripped off, to go and have his shower.

I made my way to Harry's room and knocked on his door.

"Where are you all going today?" I asked, puzzled.

"Photo shoot on the other side of the town, we have to be there by 10:30."

"10 flipping 30?" I groaned, I was grumpy and did not like being woken up by curly hair here.

"You can use my bathroom if you want?" he was slipping his feet into his shoes, they looked brand new which didn't surprise me after all he is filthy rich and loved shoes.

I had a quick shower in his bathroom, figured it would save us some time, because apparently I was invited on this little trip.

"Hurry up!" an impatient knock on the door startled me as I was drying myself.

"Hold you horses" I screamed back at him.

When I was completely dried, I ran into my bathroom and did the quickest make up I've ever done and rushed out to the front door where the boys were waiting for me.


The other boys from the band were already in the car downstairs, it was a Hummer, which I thought was quite silly considering the fame these boys have, and wanting to draw as little attention to them as possible, and a large car was only going to draw more attention wasn't it?

I sat in between Harry and Liam, While Lou sat at the window seat next to Niall in the back. Zayn was up next to the driver who looked awfully familiar, I'm pretty sure he's driven me to some award show or another in my career.

About an hour into the trip, I'm not sure who suggested it but the five of them thought it would be hilarious to start singing 99 bottles of beer. These boys have amazing singing voices but of course they were purposely singing off key to annoy the hell out of me weren't they?

"So you saw the baby the other day?" Liam nudged me, once the singing had died down,

"Yeah, it was really cool" I excitedly shared with him; I didn't care if I was blabbering on, and he didn't seem to mind either.

Harry and I were both listening to my IPOD I could hear him muttering along with the words, his voice sounded angelic, but don't tell him I said that his ego is already the size of England.

I turned around to check on Lou, he was asleep on Niall's shoulder while Niall was playing video games, Liam's head rested on my shoulder, so I laid my head against Harry's. We were all still recovering from the early morning wake up, no matter how many times I've had to wake up at five I'm still not used to it or maybe that's the pregnancy kicking in?

Baby Tommo (1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora