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A few weeks past from that interview, I was almost three months pregnant by then, a tiny belly was starting to shape, which i was extremely self conscious about.

"Stop staring at yourself" Louis interrupted me inspecting my belly in our bathroom mirror, he smelt of sweat, meaning he had just came back from the gym.

"Are you having a shower now?" I asked him, pulling my shirt back down covering my baby bump.

"Yeah can't stand smelling like this any longer" he sniffed under his arm, and made a disgusted look on his beautiful face.

"I'm hungry anyway" I told him, as I left him to have a shower, I raided the kitchen in search of something decent to eat, which there never seemed to be in this house.

Harry walked into the house, carrying grocery bags filled with food.

"Ok I got everything that you told me you wanted to eat." He started to unpack the bags, out on the table. I looked at all of the items, jello cups, Mac and cheese, gravy mix; marsh mellows, beef jerky, strawberries, candy bars, sausages, jelly beans, cream cheese, peanut butter and turkey.

I started to massacre the packaging of the food, shoving jelly beans into my mouth, i quickly jumped up into the kitchen and grabbed myself a few spoons, I opened up the peanut butter and shoved my spoon inside, as soon as it entered my mouth I felt pure bliss.

"What?" I asked Harry who was staring at me.

"I thought you were meant to be over your little cravings by now" was all he said, he sat down next to me and I passed him over the jelly beans.

Lou walked out into the kitchen wearing only his boxers, his hair was still wet, but no longer dripping, he looked really hot.

"What in the name of food are you eating?" he asked me, staring at the many things I was consuming at once.

"I'm hungry alright, when you're eating for two then you can complain, until then zip it" I snapped immediately regretting it.

"Right." He managed to say with a hurt look on his face, I couldn't believe that I let myself snap like that, he was only joking around!

"I'm sorry for snapping" I tried to apologize but he cut me off.

"Its fine" he didn't look me, I suddenly lost my appetite.

"Lou, do you want some?" Harry asked him, trying to lighten the mood.

"Nah I'm fine thanks Haz." He replied flashing him a fantastic smile, which faded as soon as he saw me.

I started to pack up the food, placing things in the fridge and in the cupboards, once everything was tidied up I went over to Louis and kissed his cheek, hoping that he's forgive me.

"I'm sorry I snapped at you." I looked him directly in the eyes.

"Its okay" he smiled back at me.

"Are you going to drive me to my ultrasound, or am I going to have to call Liam?" I asked him, with a sparkle in my eye.

"No, no I'm going" he jumped up and ran to find his keys.

"So you get to see your kid for the first time. You excited?" Harry asked me, from where he was sitting, he looked rather excited even though this wasn't his child and he wasn't even coming.

"Hell yea I'm excited" I said giddily, jigging on the spot, I'm glad i didn't see myself doing it, that might have been embarrassing!

"Are you ready babe?" Louis asked me, as he swung his keys around on his fingers, he was wearing his favourite blue and white striped shirt, and a pair of black jeans, which made his bum, look delicious. I did not hesitate to look at it when he walked past me; Harry noticed where my gaze was aimed and winked at me when I looked up.

"I'm really nervous" I told them both, and quickly scurried across the room, grabbing my purse on the way out.

"We get to see baby tommo, for the first time, don't be nervous, be excited" Lou said to be as he held the elevator doors open for our neighbours to enter the elevator with us.

"You're going to love it" Mrs V from across the hall said to me, she has three kids of her own and never hesitates to tell me everything I want to know about pregnancy.

"See, you don't have anything to be nervous about" Lou pointed out.

"But I am nervous"

"It's going to be fine you silly thing" he kissed the tip of my nose, and took hold of my shaking hand.

Baby Tommo (1)Where stories live. Discover now