We prank the campers

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Percy pov.

Ella and Celwe returned the next day with an alright but very shaken Daisy. The campers and gods kept their distance, which was fine by us, but We wanted payback at a non-lethal level (me and Nico groaned at this), so we decided to prank the campers, hunters, and Celwe wanted to prank the gods. We got our pranking supplies and Chaos allowed us to stop time, so we had as long as possible. This is what we did:

The Zeus cabin:

We painted the walls an ugly shade of green, greyish-pink and yellow. We switched Jason's clothes with superman clothes and dyed his hair sky-blue. We also drew a ridiculous face on Zeus's statue, and Ferros plucked on of the feathers in his wing and stuck it on the statue's forehead. We wrote in front of the cabin 'this prank brought to you by Percy and friends' and we stuck a photo of me, Ella and Nico doing a selfie in front of the cabin, for good measure.

The Hera cabin:

We painted cows. Fat cows with funny faces on the walls, floor and ceiling. We also graffitied the walls with 'The cow goes MOO' and 'I love Jason and Thalia'. We also randomly added a hundred copies of the book 'The big fat cow that goes KAPOW!' in the cabin. We wrote in front of the cabin 'this prank brought to you by Percy and friends', and we stuck a photo of me, Ella and Nico doing a selfie in front of this cabin.

The Poseidon cabin:

I was looking forward to this one. We put posters of me everywhere, some with lipstick marks. (where the heck did Celwe get these?). We also put picture of me, Ella and Nico in random places. (Ferros is a master of photoshop) One picture was us at the Eiffel tower, at the pyramids, at the beach, watching a movie and eating chocolate ice-cream (that one actually happened), me and Ella chasing Nico who took our pillow pets (also happened) and one that showed us in front of camp half-blood at night.We wrote in front of the cabin 'this prank brought to you by Percy and friends', and we stuck a photo of me, Ella and Nico doing a selfie in front of the Poseidon cabin.

The Demeter cabin:

Ella stuck pictures of crows eating seeds on the walls. She also spray painted every flower brown, but she said it would come off in a day. She made weeds grow in the flower gardens on the roof and she stole their seed packets. We wrote in front of the cabin 'this prank brought to you by Percy and friends', and we stuck a photo of me, Ella and Nico doing a selfie in front of this cabin (Ella did bunny ears around me and Nico in this photo).

The Hades cabin:

Nico swapped all of John's (new Hades camper) black clothes and replayed them with loud tropical shirts (wink wink ;) ). He also painted pink and blue stripes along the cabin walls. We wrote in front of the cabin 'this prank brought to you by Percy and friends', and we stuck a photo of me, Ella and Nico doing a selfie in front of the Hades cabin. You get the point, we did that on every cabin.

The Aphrodites cabin:

Ferros put green hair dye in the shampoo and we messed up the clothes. We replaced the boy's clothes with bright pink shirts and blue pants, and we snapped the high heels off one shoe of each pair. Nico also made the whole place smell like socks and he put random black stripes on the walls.

The Apollo cabin:

Hadley swapped the cheerful clothes with clothes worthy of Hades. She put black make-up on all the boys, and rainbow make-up on the girls. I painted a frowny-face sun on the walls, and I also set all the alarm clocks to play 'Strip that down' at full volume at 5:00 in the morning, just before dawn. I did a little trick with the alarms, that every clock was within a second apart, so when the song comes on, it will be several alarm clocks playing a second apart, which would be very annoying.

The Artemis cabin:

Era and Kai swapped the hunter's clothes with frilly, pink dresses and heels even the Aphrodite campers wouldn't touch. We hung their bows from strings of the roof of the cabin. I couldn't wait to see Thalia's face.

The Athena cabin.

Celwe drew moustaches on the children of Athena. We moved the bookmarks in the books, and I made Annabeth's hair bright red with blue highlights, which really looked awful. We stuck fake spiders on the walls and we put a few real spiders on the floor. Ferros took Daedalus's laptop and programmed it to say 'Good morning Anniebell' when Annabeth opens it.

The Hermes cabin:

I made everything a mess and drew random drawings on the walls. We broke half their pranking equipment and we painted Hermes riding a cow jumping over the moon. Why? I dunno.

The Hephaestus cabin:

We made their inventions go haywire. We carved into the wall 'Percy Ella and Nico were here' and we randomly smashed dents in the wall with a hammer. We also set a booby trap to spray pink paint on everything.

The Dionysus cabin:

We removed their supply of kool-aid. We also wrote 'The wine dude' everywhere in red ink while leaving empty bottles of coke everywhere.

The Ares cabin:

We painted the cabin pink, removed the barbed wire and covered the weapons with cotton-buds. We also dyed everyone's hair pale pink with hot-pink highlights and I moved the landmines to next to everyone's beds, and I changed them to explode popcorn and sweets.

The Hypnos cabin:

We changed the music to rock and took away their pillows.

The Iris cabin:

Skittles. Skittles everywhere, the place was practically drowning in them. It was knee-deep in skittles. We also wrote 'taste the rainbow' on the walls.

The Nemesis cabin:

We filled the cabin with broken fortune cookies with happy messages. We also put in pillow stuffing.

The Nike cabin:

Plastic trophies for 'participation' everywhere. Cheap laurel wreaths, which we put on everyone's head.

Celwe did something to the gods, but she wouldn't tell me what. Now, all we had to do was wait until 5:00...

... 4:58

... 4:59

............ 5:00


Immediately, screams filled the air as seven versions of 'Strip that down' began playing from the Apollo cabin. Jason burst open the door of the Zeus cabin, wearing Superman pyjamas and sporting blue hair, which made us howl with laughter. The Aphrodites campers looked horrified, and the Ares campers wanted to murder someone. Then the gods showed up. We laughed harder.

Zeus had pink hair and glasses drawn on his face. Hera had the face of a cow in face paint. Poseidon was wearing a sea-green dress and looking horrified. Demeter had a crown of dead leaves stuck on her head, and Hades was wearing yellow clothes and a fake tan. Aphrodite was wearing the most horrible thing I have ever seen with the most messed-up makeup, and she was crying dramatically next to Ares, who was dressed like a fairy princess. Apollo looked like a male version of Artemis, and Artemis looked like a female version of Apollo. Hermes had green hair and was sporting a 'shoot me in the butt' sign on his back, and Athena looked like a popular girl from high-school. Hephaestus and Dionysus both had matching ballerina outfits and were staring at each other in horror.

By this point, we were rolling on the ground. Everyone figured it was us who pranked them, until someone happened to look at the outside of the cabin, at the random picture of me, Ella and Nico.

That person was Jason, and he cried out in shock.

"Percy did this?" He yelped.

Hey everyone! Just a warning, I'm going back to school tomorrow (I've been on holidays, I live in Australia) so my updates might be a bit slower.

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