Trouble in Paradise

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Liliana's pov

3 months later

"Are you two almost done with breakfast. I have to get you to school and daycare" I say to Zola and Bailey as I feed Ellis her bottle. Meredith had to work late last night so Jackson and I offered to keep the kids, since we love having them over and Zola has been wanting to stay at the our new house since we recently moved in.

"Yes ma'am. We're almost finished" Zola nods

"Now when your mom picks you two up after work. You tell her you had a nice healthy breakfast, don't tell her I let you eat donuts in the morning" I say and the kids smile and nod their head yes.

"You're a horrible influence, you know that" Jackson laughs walking into the kitchen and kissing me on the cheek

"So I've been told. There's more donuts on the counter and I fixed coffee" I smirk

"Thank you" he says grabbing a donut and pouring a cup of coffee before sitting at the table with the kids

"I'll be right back. I'm going to go grab the kids things out of the room" I say

"Okay, you want me to take Ellis" he asks

"No, I've got her. You just keep Zola and Bailey company" I smile before walking away to the room.

"You are so gorgeous sweetie. Do you know that? You have your daddy's eyes. He would've loved you so much" I smile as I talk to Ellis while grabbing the kids things, she just continued to smile at me. "Why are you so perfect. Can I steal you from your mommy? I promise I'll spoil you and make sure you're happy" I smile as she starts babbling in baby talk. "Okay, you're right your mom probably wouldn't let me take you. How about I just settle for occasionally babysitting. That sounds better right" I say. I finish grabbing the kids things before walking back into the kitchen.

"Okay, I have everyone's stuff up. It's time to go" I say. The kid's come grab their things before we lock up the house and leave.

"Sweetheart, that is like the thousandth time you've checked that thing. It is perfectly secure" Jackson says

"I know I just want to be for sure. I mean some car seats are faulty" I say

"The car seat is fine Lily" he assures me

"Okay" I sigh before checking it one more time and closing the door then getting into the passenger seat before Jackson pulls off. We drop Zola off to school first before going to the hospital and dropping the kids off to the daycare then going to the locker room to change into our scrubs.

"The kids were so much fun this morning. I love having them over" I smile

"Me too. They always keep the house lively" he says

"That they definitely do. I'm already exhausted and it's only the beginning of the day" I sigh

"I'm not surprised with the amount of times you had to run around the house to catch Bailey and get him ready for daycare" he laughs

"That is not funny. He was actually pretty hard to catch" I laugh. We finish getting dressed then we go to the board room, because there's a breakfast thing to celebrate Dr. Bailey's first day as Chief today. I walked over to a small group where Callie was talking about a woman that she's been dating.

"So I looked it up and Bailey's the first" Arizona says as she walks over

"First what" Callie asks

"First female Chief of Surgery of this hospital. Before that, all men" Arizona says

"I say it's about time" Jackson says

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