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Liliana's pov

"You don't know how badly I wish I could drink right now. I need alcohol to deal with your mother" I sigh sipping on my bottle of water as Jackson and I walk down the hallway. This morning his mother wanted to meet with us to discuss something. What exactly? I had no idea, especially since we had already all recently had dinner because she wanted to congratulate Jackson and I on the baby, so I had no idea what she could want to discuss now.

"Come on, I'm sure it won't be that bad" Jackson chuckles

"Jackson, this is your mother we're talking about. She's always meddling into our lives. She probably wants to meet to start planning our baby's life because we both know she's going to want to try to control that" I shake my head

"We're just going to hear what she has to say and if it's something we don't want to hear we can shut her down, okay."

"Fine, but if she's disrespectful today I will not hesitate to put her in her place" I sigh as we continue walking down the hallway before we make it to the conference room where Catherine was waiting.

"Jackson, Liliana. Good morning" she smiles

"Good morning" we say in unison as we all sit down at the table

"So what exactly is the purpose of this meeting this morning" I ask getting straight to the point

"Straight to the point I see" she says

"Well we're all busy surgeons who have work to do, so we should get straight to the point" I shrug

"You're right, we should get straight to the point" she agrees. "I'm sure that you two both know how excited I am to have another grandchild on the way and I know that you two will be amazing parents to this baby and I plan to be an equally amazing grandmother and as this child's grandmother it's my job to start thinking about the baby's future. And there are some things that I've taken into consideration that are unlikely, but I just want to be prepared for just in case" she says as she pulls some paperwork out of her purse

"This should be good" I chuckle sarcastically

"Mom, what are you even talking about" Jackson frowns

"Look you two went through a lot after you lost George. It nearly broke your marriage and thankfully you two are back in a good place and I hope you stay there, but as we all know things happen and we can't tell the future, so I thought it would be smart to get some paperwork made that would just give a outline of a child custody arrangement in case something was to happen between you two. Of course it could be altered at any time and if you two were to separate you would have to go to court and have more official documents made, but this would just be here to help you through the initial process" she says

"You're joking. She's joking right" I laugh in disbelief

"Mom, do you know how crazy you sound" Jackson frowns

"Look I know it sounds like I'm being..." she begins to say before I interrupt her

"Crazy, intrusive, rude, overbearing. Should I continue" I frown

"I was going to say protective" she says

"Do you realize how disrespectful this is? Lily and I are not getting a divorce, not now or ever" Jackson shakes his head

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