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Liliana's POV

"You are getting so strong. You're going to be able to sit up on your own before you know it." I cooed as I sat on the floor helping Isabella sit up.

"She's getting so big." Jackson smiled as he watched us.

"I know. I wish I could pause time just a little so she'd stay this tiny forever." I sighed as I picked her up placing her in my lap. They say you never really realize how fast time flies until you're watching a child grow up and I wholeheartedly agree with that now that I have a child of my own.

"Me too." He agreed.

"Aww, it's time for someone's nap." I chuckled as Isabella let out a little yawn.

"You want me to take her to the nursery?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go check on Amelia." I said. Jackson got out of bed and took Isabella before I got up and went to our guest room where Amelia was at. I don't know what exactly went on between her and Owen yesterday, but she came to my house last night saying she needed to stay with us and of course I was fine with it. She was upset and didn't want to talk at the time, so I didn't pry but it was the next day and I was hoping she was ready to talk about whatever was going on now.

"Amelia." I said as I gently knocked on the door.

"Come in." She said. I walked into the room where Amelia was still laying in bed.

"Are you okay?" I asked her as I walked over the bed sitting beside her.

"Not really?" She sighed sitting up.

"What happened?"

"We got into an argument about me being pregnant, well me not being pregnant and not wanting to be pregnant ever."

"What do you mean?"

"I thought I wanted kids. I told him I did when we got married, but after this pregnancy scare I realized that isn't what I want. I don't want to be pregnant or have a baby and I don't know if we can compromise on that. When I found out I wasn't pregnant I felt relief." She sighed. "Do you know how horrible it is that I was happy we weren't having a baby, but Owen was already planning for us to try again immediately. A family is something he really wants and I didn't see myself giving that to him."

"What made you decide you don't want kids?" I asked her. In my opinion Amelia would be a great mother, but I do understand that not every woman wants that for her life and that's perfectly fine. I just wondered what exactly changed her mind.

"There's stuff that happened to me before I moved to Seattle that I haven't really told anyone, that I never even told Derek."

"Like?" I frowned, not sure of what she could be talking about.

"I had a baby when I was in Los Angeles, a son. He died shortly after birth. He was anencephalic." She says looking down at her hands as she blinked back tears.

"Oh my God, Amelia I'm so sorry." I apologized. I knew personally the pain losing a child caused and that it never went away and I hated the fact that Amelia went through that. No one deserves that.

"I struggled to recover from that and I don't want to risk going through it again. I was a mother to this little boy who never got to fully live life and it was such a cruel loss. I would rather never get pregnant again than suffer like that again." She admitted.

"You know that out of everyone I understand exactly what you're feeling. After losing George I didn't want to try for another child. That decision wasn't something Jackson was happy about, but at the time I couldn't guarantee that I would ever get to a place where I wanted kids again. Losing a child is one of the worst pains anyone could experience and it changes you in ways that you don't even realize sometimes." I said.

"What made you change your mind?"

"I didn't. I just kind of ended up pregnant." I said making us both chuckle. "I'm so thankful for the fact that I did end up pregnant again, because everyday I'm thankful to have a beautiful little girl that I get to raise with the man that I love. I would be lying if I said losing a child doesn't still impact me as a parent though. Throughout the whole pregnancy with Isabella I was constantly scared that I was going to go to an appointment and get bad news and even now I'm extremely protective of her and I worry a lot." I said honestly. Even though I have a healthy child, I still live with fear daily because of the past. It isn't like you forget trauma just because you've recovered from it. "You have to do what's best for you. I love you and I love Owen and I want both of you to be happy, but this is a big decision and it's not something that can really be compromised on, you both have to take some time and think about what you really want for your future and go from there."

"I know. We just both need some space to think about things. I just hate that this is hurting us."

"Unfortunately big decisions are the most painful in life." I sighed. She nodded her head in agreement. "I'm going to let you have some more time to yourself to think. Just let me know if you need anything." I said before leaving the room. I honestly don't know if Owen and Amelia are going to be able to work through this. I wanted them both to be happy and have the life they wanted for themselves, but the decision of having kids is a big one and if they can't get on the same page about it I don't know if their relationship will work.

"How's Amelia?" Jackson asked as I got back into bed.

"Sad and confused. All of the emotions you feel when you're having marriage issues." I sighed.

"I hope they can figure out whatever they're going through." Jackson said.

"Me too." I agreed. "I was thinking earlier about how I used to run over to Derek's anytime you and I had issues and now Amelia comes over here whenever she's having problems in her marriage. It's ironic."

"It is." He chuckled. "You know I don't really believe in things that aren't science, but I guess it's destiny or something. The people that end up in our life and when they end up there. Derek was here when you needed him in your life and now you're here for Amelia." He said.

"Yeah it's funny how life works." I agreed.

I know this chapter was short, it was mainly a filler until I have the time to watch another episode to base a chapter around. I'm sorry for not updating sooner! Life is just really busy right now.

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