Girl and the War

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We have decided to make the warriors rest on the next day. There will still be two days to train and two days is enough time to prepare for the upcoming revolt.

"Are you sure that the pack is secured when they strike first?" I asked Timothy who is playing chess with Copper.

"Yes, my queen. I have shown the females the way for escape if ever the war is coming." He answered as he moved his pieces on the chess board. Copper is sweating and I know that he is losing the game.

"Hey, Copper. If ever the war is over, can you lead the people and become king?" I asked and this made his eyes wide. He stared at me as if I have grown two heads.

"Are you serious? But I don't have lycan blood within me." He said still looking at me. I sigh at him and smiled.

"You don't need to have lycan blood to lead. As long as you know that the decisions you made are for the sake of your people's happiness then you shall be a great king." I said and shook his head in disbelief.

"Why don't you and Elios lead the kingdom? You two are strong wolves not to be messed with." He reasoned and I chuckled.

"If we rule this kingdom then there won't be any alphas to messed with. I'll lay low and maybe become Luna for the Black Knight pack." I said with a smile.

"Did I hear that right?" A raspy voice said and I saw Elios rubbed his eyes and yawn as he stretched his other hand upward. He was resting on the sofa and I forgot that he was with us in the room.

Unlike other possessive alphas, Elios does not hold jealousy so strongly and he is fine with me tagging along the three idiots namely: Copper, Timothy and Alex. He said it's fine since the three reminded him of his three idiotic betas who are now playing with Alex and Fei.

"Yes, Ellie-poo. Now go back to bed and you need to rest more." I glare at him and he went back on lying on the sofa with his hands on his eyes.

"Yes! Checkmate!" Timothy said and Copper flipped the chess board making the chess pieces fly everywhere. Copper is not happy that Timothy defeated him for the third time.

"It's so un-"

Copper did not finished his sentence for the door suddenly bursts open and came running the triplets. Elios eventually sat back up and glared at the three for ruining his sleep.

"What?" Elios asked, not in the mood.

"We've..." Justin started.

"Got an..." Austin said.

"Important letter." Dustin finished as he gave me the letter he was holding.

"Do you really need to finish each other's sentences?" Alex asked from behind them. All of them are gasping for air and clearly tired from running.

"Not really." Justin said collapsing on the floor. Justin laughs at his brother while Copper and Timothy chuckled.

I read the letter and then gave it to Elios which made him angry. He made the paper into a ball and threw it to the window.

"What was it, your highness?" Timothy asked.

"They'll attack tonight." Elios said with his fist on his sides. The triplets went pale as Copper picked up the chess pieces.

"I'll get everyone ready." Alex said making me nod at him.

"I'll go with you." Copper said as he placed the pieces back into the board and closed it.

"Be careful." I said and the two excused themselves.

"What are we going to do now?" Dustin asked.

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