chapter 27

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I sat in the queit coffee shop, tapping my keys against the table top impatiently.

Hurry up Harry!

As if my thought had willed him to, the bell dinged signalling someone entered the small coffee shop and Harry rushed him.

His hair wasn't as fluffy as usual and was lay in complete knotts unlike his usual casual style. His green eyes were dulled and red rimmed with a few fresh tears still clinging to the bottom of his eye, one falling down his eye lash in slow motion and trailling down his cheek, drawing my attention to his pasty, almost tranclucent skin.

"He..I..." He stuttered.

I motioned for him to sit down and he did, I handed him the coffee I had brought for him and he thankfully gulped some of the hot liquid.

"I've been keeping a secret from you Niall, and from Lou... and if I followed my instincts and told you, My boyfriend would be here right now, making bad jokes and cuddling up to me" He bit his lip hard and I watched a small bead of blood fall then his tongue sweeped across catching it.

I sighed taking a sip off my coffee.

"Start at the beggning of the story Harry"

He told me everything, but he missed out the 'huge' secret.

"Wait, You are in a gang?" I chocked out.

"No, I helped out because Zayn did" He explained and a pain ripped through my stomach and heart at the fact I didn't know this about the love of my life.

"And Louis is involved how...?" I asked

"He isn't, or wasn't...I'm 100% sure they have him, but they've moved and no one will tell me anything and the only people I can contacted are people who aren't involved in the opperations and..." A sigh escaped his lips and then more tears fell. "I need to get him back Niall, and that requires your help, well...I'm sorry Niall, it's just like sleeping"

I felt drowsy and confused

"What do you mean?" I said and each word took so much more effort then it should.

"They took Louis because of you getting to close to secrets, and...someone high up cares about you, I'm sorry" He said and carried on crying.

" are scaring me" Every word was slurred

"Just sleep Niall, just sleep"

Then everything went black


It's fucking freezing!

And why the hell is my head pounding?

Why can't I feel Harry's arms around me?

Why is the bed so uncomfortable?

I heard a bang and distant voices.

I didn't recognise any of them.

"THIS ISN'T RIGHT!" One screamed, and for some reason I did recognise that one. "I LEFT HIM, I DID WHAT YOU SAID, I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! YOU ARE GETTING MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE INVOLVED...I LEFT HIM, THAT'S ALL YOU SAID" the voice screamed

"Just shut up and carry on with what you are meant to be doing, this boy is to close to our tracks for our liking and it's your fault, we took his friend as a warning" A deep voice said.

Then with a grunt of pain the door opened and one set of footsteps walked in.

I opened my eyes. I was tied up on a concrete floor.

"Tomlinson I presume" An unfamiliar man said with a raised eyebrow.

"You presumed correctly" I said holding my sassy attitude, hey it's who I am, not changing for this prick.

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