Chapter 11- Leaving Him

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Fuck why cant that fucking werewolf fuck just fuck off I made a stupid mistake asking him to come for her birthday, why did I do it.

"Babe...... what's wrong?" Vanessa asked me "I don't want Abbie and Mason together, he is bad for her and he stops her from reaching her full potential as a killer." I said "but Dimitri you cant they are mates it will eventually kill them both" "but I have to Van she isn't the same anymore, I have to.. no I will make her leaving him even if it is the last thing that I do" I turned and walked away from her.


I was sitting in my room when my Dad walked up to my door and said "hey sweet heart can I talk to you in my office please" "uh yeah I suppose dad" I followed him to his office and sat in the seat across from him and said "so what's up dad?" "I know that you are going to hate me but you have to do it" "do what dad I am so confused" "Abbie you have to break up and reject Mason. He is bad for you in every sense and he is bad for you profession" "w-w-w-what do you MEAN THAT I HAVE TO BREAK UP AND REJECT MASON" "Abbie I am not giving you a choice I saw him with a couple of other girls he was kissing them and I walked in on him having sex. He told me not to tell you other wise he would kill me" " he wouldn't do that to me... would he?" "darling please I don't want you to get hurt anymore and also I don't like him at all and if you don't do what I say I will take away your chance of becoming the queen and I will ruin your reputation." "and how may I ask will you do that?" "I will say that you and your mate tried to kill me, your mother and your two brothers and your sister." "why are you doing this to me" "because I don't like him as your mate he has ruined our family and he has ruined you. I made a mistake by bring him here for your birthday" "but dad please" "no it is final you will be doing this and then I will send you away to alpha training and when you return you will take over the throne again" "yes father" "good now go and figure out how you are going to break it to him in public" "yes father"

I got up and walked out of his office as soon as I closed my bedroom door I ran to my bed and started to ball me eyes out. I just don't understand what is going on but I have to do what he said to protect Mason because I know what happens to people who are a threat to the royal family they are executed in front of everyone as a lesson to them. Octavia must of heard me crying so she rushed in and ran to me. She pulled me into a hug and said "Abbie, what's wrong? Please tell me" "D-d-dad said that if I don't reject and break up with Mason that he will take away the throne..." "is that it?" she asked in shock. I shook my head and said "n-n-noo he then said that he will ruin mine and Masons reputation by saying that we pose as a threat to the royal family. And you know what happens to people who pose a threat to the royal family.. they die in front of everyone as a way to teach them what not to do" "OMG is he really making you do this." "yes and I have to do it in public so I have decided to do it tomorrow" "Abbie you can't" "I know but I have to I have to be distant with him and become cold I have to become the person that everyone will fear and the person that everyone will hate and you have to promise that after I leave for alpha camp you keep an eye on the boys and watch and listen to everything dad does" "of course I will but why?" "because once I come back and I begin my reign I will kill him for everything he has done" "omg your serious aren't you" "I am dead serious and when I come back you will be my beta and I will get my gamma from alpha camp. But you have to act like you know non of this can you do that for me" "yes I can. but you do realize that Mason and the twins have become really close so when you leave and come back he is most likely to be around" "yes but he wont recognize its me because tomorrow after I do what I have to I will have to get ready yo leave for camp and when I am at camp I will change my appearance because of the amount of power that I will gain." "okay I promise to keep it a secret. Abbie I love you and I a going to miss you so much" "I love you to O and I and going to miss you even more" I leant over and gave her a hug.

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