54. Global Threat Operative.

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Jackie's POV.

I sniffled as I curled up into an even tighter ball, Toby handed me a bowl of ice cream and I slowly uncurled to eat it, "I still have to tell dad."

"Don't worry I'll call him," he said quietly.

Toby got up and left me sitting in the lounge room, I whipped my nose on the back on my hand and hugged myself, I had visited Monday morning, and they had said she was fine, getting better even.

What had happened?

I heard a knock at the door and waited to see if Toby would get it, it sounded again and I figured he was probably talking to dad.

I stood up shakily and dried my eyes as best as I could placing my ice cream bowl on the table as I walked past, I pulled open the door and frowned when two police officers stood their in uniform.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Are you Jackie Skye?" One of them questioned and I nodded.

"We would just like to ask you a few questions," the other said and my frowned deepened.

"What about?"

"Just about your mother... If she had anyone that had an issue with her," the first one answered me.

"Not that I know of, when she came to Jai she was dying and didn't seem to be around anyone," I shrugged, what was he getting at..?

"Your case has been deemed suspicious," the second officer sighed.

"Suspicious? Like murder?" My eyes widened.

"Yes, there was reports that a shady character visited your mothers room, but the security tapes from today are gone," they explained.

"What's happening?" Toby asked coming up behind me.

"They were just saying that Tanya was murdered," I said quietly.

"We have reason to believe that she was," the officer corrected.

"The case will be sent to the higher powers, considering she was a Conserntlia, meaning they will be in touch with you. I am sorry for your lost," the cop nodded and they both left.

"Aren't you suppose to come in an ask us questions?" Toby called after them.

"No sorry this isn't our case," they apologised.

Toby closed the door and my legs began to shake, it spread throughout my body and I leaned against the door sliding to the floor.

My eyes watered and I wrapped my arms around myself, this wasn't happening, murder, no, it can't, it just can't.

Toby sat down beside me and hugged me, my lip trembled and I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as I got another rusty dagger shoved into my heart. "Why does it hurt so much?"

"Because as much as you like to think you didn't really care about her you did, and she was your mother," he whispered.

"How long will it hurt?" I whimpered.

"I don't know Jackie, I don't know," he said softly.


Tabby's POV.

As soon as I walked in I knew something was wrong, the house seemed quiet and sad. I walked slowly up to Jackie's room and knocked. I didn't hear a reply so I just pushed open the door and was greeted by Jackie curled up into a ball with used tissues surrounding her.

I sighed and grabbed her bin starting to put the tissues into it, "is dad here then?"

"It's me Jackie," I smiled slightly at her as she looked up.

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