Divergent in Disney

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Chapter 5

Tris POV

Beep beep beep

I turn over and try to hit the snooze button on my clock but my hand hits nothing. I look up and at first, I start to panic because my clock isn't there. Or my side table. Or my room!

And then it hits me when Miss Tori turns off the alarm.

I sit up and look over at Christina who I am sure is mirroring my expression.

"We're in Disney!" I squeal!

Susan, who's a sophomore along with Caleb, sits up and stretches, "Today is going to be great."

Marlene, who is also a sophomore, sits up and we all laugh when we see that she's already in her clothes.

"Wow." I say smiling, "You are really excited."

Marlene stands up and shrugs, "Well at least I get the bathroom first." she says running to the bathroom we all share and shuts the door.

"Oh come on!" Christina groans.

I laugh again and grab my clothes when there's a knock on our hotel door. Tori answers it and takes a piece of appear from whoever's out there.

"Here's a list of names for groups." She looks around, "There are supposed to be two to each group. Tris, since you are the extra person on 9th grade, they're putting you with Cara."

At that moment, all excitement for this week fades. Cara is the most annoying person I have ever met.

"Okay, everybody! Let's all get ready. We're meeting for breakfast in thirty minutes."

"You alright?" Christina asks me.

I nod but I really don't want to have to put up with Cara all day long in what should be the greatest place ever.

When we get to the area where everyone is eating breakfast, I approach Cara and put on my best smile, "So..."

Before I can get another word out, Cara holds up her hand and shakes her head, "We're following Peter and Four round today. Got it?"

Wow. This day just keeps getting better and better. Peter and Four? Four I could tolerate, but Peter? That guy is the biggest jerk in the history of...well, anything.

I eat with my friends and then walk behind Cara, Four and Peter as we head into the magic kingdom.

Divergent in DisneyWhere stories live. Discover now