Divergent in Disney

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Chapter 18

Four POV

I groan and my eyes open slowly. My head is really fuzzy. At first, I can't remember anything and then it all hits me in the face. I sit up and call out, "Tris! Tris, where are you? Tris!"
"Holy cow. Would you shut up."
I turn and see one of the last people I can imagine working on a computer.
"Caleb?" I ask confused.
"Don't look so shocked." Caleb said annoyed. "Of course, you never were the smartest candle on the cake."
Then how did I get the trip to Disney World? I want to say, but I'm to confused.
Caleb turns to me and shrugs, "How did my sister react?"
Is he really chuckling about this? I stand and clutch my fists, "She passed out!"
Caleb shakes his head and turns back to his screen, "She is so dramatic."
I walk over and spin his chair back around, "Listen, you tell me what the heck is going on, or I'll knock your teeth out."
Caleb holds up his hands and someone grabs my shoulder. I turn, ready to deck whoever it is. But the face that meets mine makes me back away quickly.
"Surprise." His voice is more malicious than ever.
"You're alive?" I ask.
"Sorry to burst your bubble." Marcus sneers.
I'm having trouble grasping all this.
"Wait. You mean you didn't even tell him?" Caleb asks.
"Tell me what?" I ask, my voice shaking.
"He refused to get on the bus." Marcus said casually.
"You had better tell me what is going on." I say.
"Or what?" Marcus challenges. When I'm silent, he laughs, "That's what I thought. You see, I couldn't put you with the other hostages. No one on earth would pay your ransom."
I'm to confused to even glare at him. Hostages? Ransom?
"Anyway. Now that you're here, you can help keep watch. I don't want any of those kids getting brave."
"Kids? You're holding the students hostage? You're crazy!" I yell.
"And soon I'll be a crazy millionaire." Marcus says with a dramatic sigh.
I sit back down on the couch I woke up on and try to catch my breath, "Where are they?"
"Why?" Caleb asks.
"Because I want to know where my friends are!" I scream at him.
"We put them in the castle." Says a new voice.
I turn and see a tall woman standing in the doorway. "Who are you?"
"My name is Jeanine." She says. "And you must be Tobias."
"I prefer Four." I say hatefully.
"I'm the one who funded everything for your father."
He's not my father, I want to say.
"I hear you're pretty strong, Four. I could use your help getting us out of here. Get my team and your...Marcus' group to our plane."
"And why would I do that?" I snarl.
Jeanine looked at Marcus confused. Then she looked back at me, "I was told you have nothing to live for."
I know my mouth just fell to the floor. Did Marcus tell her that?
"Thank you, Jeanine. I can assure you that Tobias will assist you us." Marcus said politely.
She nods and leaves.
I stand and grit my teeth, "What makes you think I will help you?"
Before I can react, Marcus whirls around and connects his fist to my jaw. I fall to the ground.
"Whoa! Whoa!" Caleb yelps.
Marcus comes and stands over me, "If you disrespect me one more time in front of anyone, I will beat you so hard you won't be able to walk." Then he stormed out.
Caleb opened his mouth to speak and then shut it again.
"Caleb!" Marcus calls.
Caleb walks to the door then looks back at me.
"Go on, you little rat." I growl.
Caleb runs out and I hold my face. I hope Tris is safe. Well, I know she's not safe, but I hope everything will be okay for her.
"Please let her be okay." I whisper.

Divergent in DisneyWhere stories live. Discover now