Chapter 29

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I was hesitant to take the seat opposite my mother's in the kitchen. She didn't look up from her mug even after I did. "So who's this boy you've been spending so much time with?" she inquired, shutting her magazine.

"I'm surprised you noticed." I instantly regretted my comment, wishing I wasn't so quick in my defensive responses. I was simply caught off guard. Her eyes shot up to mine as she took another sip of her coffee. They told me she was still waiting patiently for my answer to her question. And she'd keep waiting until I gave it. "He's just a guy from school," I said, playing with my fingers against the wood of the table. "He volunteers at the shelter with me."

At this she raised her brow. "Does this boy have a name?"

"Fox Evans."

"Fox?" she repeated.


"Sounds like some kind of wil–"

"Wild animal, I know," I smirked.

"Humph, well," she murmured, tapping her cup, "Whatever it is you two do, I just hope you're making safe, smart choices."


"Emery, you must always use protecti–"

"Woah, woah, woah," I said, stopping her. "Mom, slow your roll. We didn't have sex."

"Well, in the future, I want to make sure that you absolute–"

"This little talk isn't necessary," I interrupted.


"Yeah, Fox and I don't really head in that direction when we hang out. With all of our other friends," I stressed.

"What directions have you guys gone in?"

"Mom," I whined, blushing and looking away.

"Honey," she chuckled, "I know I'm not around nearly enough to have these conversations with you but I would love to catch up on your love life. Tell me about your hot guy friend."

"Mom!" I smirked, eyes wide at her comments.

"You can't tell me he's not hot, Emery. The look in your eyes and the color in your cheeks gives you away," she said, smiling wickedly.

"We kissed," I muttered. It slipped out. "Once." The look on her face told me she wanted a little more information. "It was at the hospital on Christmas Eve, under the mistletoe. My first and only kiss," I added, "so don't be going and giving me sex talks, okay? This is all foreign territory."

"Your first kiss?" she gasped. "Oh wow. I would've assumed you had gone through most, if not all the bases by now."

"Eww, mom." I was in no way prepared to talk 'innuendo-baseball' with my mother.

"Emery, there's no need to be immature about this, alright? Sex," she paused when I made a face, "should be a very special moment in a woman's life."

"I think it ruins everything, personally." This comment was in reference to most people in my life.

"And how does it do that?" my mom asked quietly.

"Once people have sex, there's no turning back," I explained, awkwardly tugging at the sleeves of my hoodie. "It seems like it's all people think about in high school. And the problems start when people have too much of it, or when they stop doing it. It ruins relationships."

"That's because people in high school don't understand everything, they rush into things too quickly," my mom reasoned. "Sex is a very big step for two people. That's when you reach the pinnacle of trust, and especially of love. You give everything you possibly can to another person you care about. When you choose to share yourself with someone else, it's truly beautiful, baby."

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