Min Yoongi

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"It's difficult but yes, we'd like to announce that due to some circumstances, Min Yoongi also known as Suga will be retracted from any activities and be on hiatus starting from today, any further enquiries and questions will be directly forwarded to our company. His future activities are currently being discussed and we'd like to apologize beforehand. Thank You".

The company representative, Mr. Seok Hoon stated while few bodyguards and Yoongi's manager, Hobeom eased their way out of the press conference room. With sunken pale face and no words uttered from the said life, the room filled with reporters, photographers and journalists is in chaos when they hastily trying to get clearer explanations about the issue.

Out of the room, Yoongi looks up staring blankly towards Hobeom and his CEO, Mr Bang. No more words from him, that's it, the company has agreed, he's done with everything. He's determined. No more Suga for him, he's lost. Period. Not his CEO nor his Hobeom hyung could persuade him any longer. He just want to run away from his current life.

Mr. Bang breaks the silence,

"Yoongi, we've come to this decision but all of us will be waiting for you, I'm going to give as much time as you want to get your own self back, let me just tell you something, I know you want to give up but the whole company, Namjoon, Hoseok, Hobeom, all staffs and I won't give up on you, remember that".

Strict Mr. Bang points it out to Yoongi.

He knows how stubborn the brunette is, he met Yoongi when the kid was just 15 years old, making music on the street when the company was on its early construction with only few staffs and Namjoon as their first casted rapper. Now BigHit Ent. is known as one of the most established music company with only 3 rappers known as RM, Jhope and Suga. They make their names big with their emotional musics and heart wrecking lyrics with few different concepts and themes suit the youths' interests. That is one of the reason how they are accepted in the harsh Korean music industry. Three years the three of them working day and night, producing and composing music for the best quality of songs and now they are on top until it comes to this day where one of them has broken down, crashing and losing hope.

No answer from Yoongi, he's just looking down at the floor, fingers fiddling with unfocused eyes avoiding all of people around him. He doesn't want to to argue with his CEO anymore. One thing for sure, he knows his decision is fixed, he's trying to let everything go, he couldn't forget the incident and he would never be able to forgive himself. He is the reason for it and he is punishing himself. Alone.

From the distance, Namjoon and Hoseok can only stare at their brother, sadness clearly shown on their faces, they know the problem, they understand the issue yet they could not do anything for their friend. Namjoon firmly hold Hoseok's shoulder seeing how his friend has broken in tears, shuddering.

"Hoseok~ah, you have to be strong for hyung, we will help him, together. The incident won't break us, the incident won't separate us. You're with me right?, "

Namjoon tightens his grip to assure him. Even when he himself contemplating whether they will become like before.

"Yes, we will not lose hyung because of the incident",

Hoseok nods agreeing with Namjoon. They will help Yoongi, in any time in any ways. They will wait for his brother to come back to them, they will make sure of that.

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