Hungry Lions

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The whole situation is under control when security and police come to the house, medias are ushered out and the company firmly stated that they will be sued for their reckless acts towards their talent especially when it's involving others' life too.

Jungkook is now fumes with anger and wrath, what the hell is happening, why Seokjin is associated with those people. He passes through the police and BigHit' staffs running to the house trying to find Seokjin.


He is met with Seokjin who's sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket with tears stained face and slight trembles. Seokjin's arms are tightly wrapped on Yoongi's body and Jungkook can see Yoongi slowly rocking on his body while keep telling him he's fine. He can't believe his eyes it but it's real, it's Min Yoongi the well known rapper composer and now the rapper god is calming his brother's down, what kind of situation is this.


He is cuts off by Yoongi.

"Ssshh, he's just sleeping..let him be for now, this situation must be shocking for him"

With whispers like voice Yoongi shushes Jungkook, his hands keeps patting on Seokjin's back soothing him.

"What the hell, who are you to touch him? What the fuck happened here? What are you doing to him?!"

Jungkook growls slowly, he grits his teeth hard, he swears he won't forgive anyone who hurts his brother. He is too broken for this world, he will not allow Seokjin to go through pain anymore.

"And who are you, young man?, just because you helped me just now don't you think I can trust you already, what is your relation with him? Why are you in my house?" Yoongi spits back.

He is taken aback by Jungkook's direct attack, he is not in the right mood to fight with someone, today is not the right day, everything is in shambles and mess.

"Put down my brother first then you have many things to explain to me"

Jungkook stares at him with fierce eyes.

"I don't care if this is your house but that is my brother you're holding right now, any slight scar on him I will hunt you down."

Yoongi shakes his head, this kid is one possessive brother. Carefully he detaches Seokjin's fragile body from him before lying him to the couch. The said man looks pale and scared, even his sleeping face is painted with pain, the soft rosy cheeks are stained with tears and Yoongi has to stop his hands from wiping them away.

"What's wrong with you Min Yoongi?" He mumbles

Hobeom walks right at the time and both Yoongi and Jungkook are called for explaination.

Guess it's gonna be a long day for this.


Seokjin wakes up with sweats and shaking hands, his head throbbed with pain and headaches. He is now on a bed under a white fluffy blanket in one not so unfamiliar room. What time is it? Where he is now?

"You're up?"

He hears someone's voices and saw Min Yoongi sitting down on the couch in front on him.

" there are water, painkillers, paracetamol and your medicine on the night stand, eat and sleep there. Your bratty brother brought your medicine from your house, he is now going back to attend your grandma."

Seokjin is confused, its Yoongi's voice he hears right now, the first time ever Yoongi talked to him decently.

"What happened just now?"

He asks trying to get up from the bed. His dizziness makes his legs wobbles.
Yoongi rushes to hold him. His hands grabbed Seokjin's wrist to support him

"Are you that deaf or dumb? why are you up? I said eat the medicine and sleep" There's slight worries in Yoongi's stern voice but his face remains stoic and unbothered.

Seokjin is now annoyed, he is tired, he is hungry, his head in pain, he shouldn't have been involved with this situation if it's not for Yoongi, and now why he has to follow his order to do this or that.

"Ugh, I'm hungry and before you force me to eat medicine give me my food first".

He furrowed his eyebrows and lips are slightly pouting looking at Yoongi.

He untangles his wrists from Yoongi's big hands and slowly walking out from the room. Did not notice the warmth that are suddenly missing.

"And you owe me an explanation for this!"

He stares at Yoongi with fierce eyes before getting out from the room purposely slamming the door hard.

Yoongi's in shock, what was just happened? Why Seokjin suddenly got mad at him. Did he really slam the door in front of him? And he is Seokjin's boss though.

"What the fuck with this brothers? Both are hungry lions or what?".

I appreciate if you can give me any comments on this stories, this is my first ever trial to write, not edited and not checked for any grammar mistakes yet. Thank you for reading

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