chapter VIII

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Julie didn't see him for the rest of the day, even though he was in the same class as her, it was like he skipped class. Jungkook and the guys kept asking if everything was okay and she just kept saying she was sleepy.

She got home and started crying in her room. Stop. Stop! STOP! she would think but she couldn't stop. She got her homework from her bag and started doing it to distract herself.

"Are you okay? You were acting strange earlier..." - Jungkook.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I was just tired." - Julie.

"Okay. Get some rest. Talk to you tomorrow." - Jungkook.

She felt bad for not telling her best friend she had feelings for Taehyung.

She went to bed early because she had to wake up really early the next day, but it didn't make any difference because she didn't have any sleep.

Jungkook got to her house and they walked to school. She didn't say anything all the way to the school because this time she was indeed tired.

She got to the school and went straight to class. She sat down and placed her book and homework on the desk.

The class started filling up and Taehyung didn't show up. Jimin was sitting next to her but he didn't know anything about where he was.

She tried not caring but she couldn't stop staring at the empty seat next to her.

"Kim Taehyung, you're late. Detention." the annoying math teacher said with her disgusting signature tone to her voice.

Julie started writing as he sat down on the seat next to her.

She stopped writing because otherwise she would fall asleep on her notes.

She started staring to the chalk board and her eyes started feeling heavy.

"Park Julie sleeping in class? Detention today." the teacher said and the dismissal bell rang.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I'll have to be on the same room as Kim Taehyung for two hours. Shit. It was the only thing she could think of.

The classes passed by quickly as all she could think of was detention and how it was gonna go.


Julie gulped as Taehyung got in the detention classroom. She was sitting on the last desk, in the corner of the room.

There was a class full of desks but he decided to seat in front of her. She looked at him confused and sighed.

After 30 minutes in that hell Tae stood up and started walking towards a door at the end of the room.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Sneaking out." he answered dissembling a pile of school desks that were covering a door. "These idiots think they can stop me from sneaking out if they stack up desks in front of the back door." he said throwing the last desk on the floor.

She looked at him confused.

"Wanna come?" he asked opening the door.

She nodded, grabbing her bag, standing up and sneaking out with him.


They ran out of the school and saw the same fence as Jungkook and Julie climbed that night they sneaked into the school.

"We'll have to climb this fence." he said.

"I know. It's not hard, I've done it before." she said and started climbing.

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